Single event page details meta

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  • #107106

    Third question for today:

    While doing the layout for the single event detail page, I found that the three-column details block with venue, URL, date, map and so on is produced by some meta hook. I worked my way through that halfway, but I can’t find the place where the exact layout of that is set. What I wanna do is primarily change the order of the details supplied and changing a bit of styling by using different classes there. That includes moving the links for iCal and Google calendar up into that three-column block, too. Also, I’d like to change the labels, and I realized some of them are stored in meta.php, some are not.

    What’s to do here?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Tobias,

    If you want to get to know the meta walker/meta factory (which handles those elements) please refer to this handy tutorial:

    How the Tribe Meta Factory works

    Playing with this probably counts as a fairly advanced level customizing, however, so you’d ideally have a fair level of WordPress and general development knowledge, and some time to spare, to investigate this.

    A straightforward alternative could be to “kill” that section (which is pulled in by the tribe_events_single_event_meta() call in the single-event.php template) and essentially replace it with a set of simpler calls which you could structure just how you want it to be.

    Do either of those ideas help?


    Thank you! I preferred killing the whole meta output and puzzling it together myself. 😉 That did the trick.


    (Closing this out!)

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