Single Event Displays Post Title instead of Event

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  • #55650

    When I go into the single event page, instead of showing the event date and title it displays the date and title of an old post for every event. I believe it’s the 13th-newest, as the displayed post title changes whenever I publish a new post (not event).

    Using the default 2011 theme does fix the problem but I’m not sure how to tackle this on my own. Please let me know where to start looking and I will try.

    My theme is GameDay 1.03 from MVP Themes.


    That’s interesting: I don’t believe this particular problem has cropped up before. Would you be able to share your theme in a private reply in the form of a .zip format download? You might use a service like Droplr or Dropbox or even just upload it to your site via the media library and share the link that way.



    This reply is private.


    Thanks for posting that Debbie! Barry is out over the weekend but he’ll be able to take a look at your post and reply early next week. Thanks for your patience.



    Hi Debbie: thanks for sharing. Strangely enough if I activate your theme I don’t see this problem.

    Is it possible that something else is in turn conflicting with your theme? For instance, if you keep our plugins activated and also your Gameday theme activated – but disable all other plugins – do you still see this problem?

    If you do then are there any other theme related settings I should be aware of / if you play with the theme settings yourself are you able to figure out what the trigger is?


    Hi Barry,

    I’ve looked into this further and it still occurs when I disable all other plugins.

    I’m almost certain now that’s related to the news ticker that runs as part of the theme. When you tested, did you set a category in the News Ticker Settings section of the Gameday Options page? The calendar displays fine when no category is selected (i.e. option is set to “Select a tag:”) but is incorrect when I choose a category.

    The calendar’s single page is displaying the title of the oldest article in the news ticker. Instead of displaying the event’s start date, it’s displaying the current date/time. I’m guessing this has something to do with the loop for the ticker, which calculates how long ago the ticker posts were published.

    Hope that helps you track it down. Let me know if it’s a fault with Gameday and I’ll see what I can do to fix that.


    I’m almost certain now that’s related to the news ticker that runs as part of the theme. When you tested, did you set a category in the News Ticker Settings section of the Gameday Options page?

    No, but I can certainly take a look now. Since it’s starting to sound very specific (and bearing in mind we have lots of people to support) there may be a limit to what we can offer up here, but bear with me while I check it out.


    Hi again Debbie,

    So the basic problem seems to be that your theme doesn’t clean up after itself when the ticker is in use – it includes some code that makes use of the WP_Query class but fails to reset things afterwards.

    I’m not sure whether you want to edit the theme itself or do this from within a child theme (that would probably be advisable, but seek the theme vendor’s advice first of all if you are unsure) however if you can locate the end of the news ticker loop (in header.php lines 283-287) you could add a snippet like:

    <?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>

    (This could go on the line after the endwhile; statement for example.)

    That should resolve this.


    Yup, this has fixed it. Thanks very much 😀



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