Show sticky events at the top of Week view

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    We have some events marked that show up first in Month view. We want those same events to show up first in Week view. Possible? Guidelines? We are comfortable with doing some programming if necessary, but would appreciate knowing where to start.


    Hi. I don’t personally see how this would be advantageous because they’re in order vertically by hour. I’m guessing you’re saying that you want featured events to appear as all-day events within Week View. Is this basically what you’re wanting? If yes, it’d definitely be a customization you’d have to explore on your own. Have you considered using the List View instead? Its styling prominently displays Featured Events.

    Please let me know your detailed thoughts on this so I can see if I can be of any further help.


    Okay, I understand that it’s a customization I’d have to explore on my own; that’s fine. Can you give me some guidance? I’m thinking that it would be helpful to know where the sticky meta information is saved, and which (sorting?) function in the “month view” script is used in order to float those to the top. Then I can leverage that information on the week view page. Also, if there is a filter that can be applied to the events calendar when it’s returning items for the week view, so that I can tell it to sort differently at that moment, let me know. Thanks.


    Although the word “sticky” is used, it’s not the built-in functionality.

    Instead, Events indicated as “sticky” have their menu_order set to -1

    You should be able to leverage the tribe_events_query_posts_orderby filter and apply your custom querying and/or sorting, such as menu_order ASC

    To target the Week View, you could use ‘week’ === $query->query_vars[‘eventDisplay’]

    Please let me know how things go for you.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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