Show Recurring Events

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  • #1114365
    Oliver Mark


    I’d like to show all recurring events on this page (, but couldn’t figure out a way to do so. Any help would be appreciated!


    Howdy Oliver,

    Welcome to our support forums and thanks for reaching out to us. I’ll help you here, but first can you clarify on your request a bit?

    The link you share points to a page, if you want to show all upcoming events in there you can use the advanced list widget via shortcode. Is that what you are looking for? Or is it something related to just recurring events and not regular events?

    Please let me know about it,

    Oliver Mark

    Hi, Nico!

    Thank you for answering my thread.

    Actually, I need to show both in that page: all the upcoming events and its recurrences.

    All the upcoming events are already been displayed, but I couldn’t find a way to display their recurrences.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for following up Oliver!

    Still not 100% sure about this, but I guess you want to display all the recurrences for the listed events (upcoming). This is the default behaviour but maybe you are using the options to hide recurring event instances. Go to WP-Admin > Events > Settings > General > Recurring event instances and make sure that option is unchecked.

    Please let me know about it,

    Oliver Mark

    Hi, Nico!

    Yes, I want to display all the recurrences for each upcoming event. And I want them to be listed with the exact same layout of the upcoming events. They should look like an upcoming event in the page.

    The Recurring event instances option is unchecked, but still no success.

    Any ideas?



    Thanks for following up Oliver!

    I find this a bit strange because by default it will show the upcoming event instances, if there are any of course.

    Can you please send over the exact code you are using the get the upcoming event in that page?


    Oliver Mark

    Hi, Nico.

    Yes. I’ve just found that this page is not set as events page. I’m using a custom template though.

    File location: “church-event-child/templates/shortcodes/events/multiple.php”

    <div id="tribe-events-content" class="tribe-events-list">
        <div class="tribe-events-loop hfeed vcalendar clearfix">
            <section class="wpv-tribe-events-block clearfix">
                global $post;
            	<?php foreach($events as $i => $event): ?>
            			$start = strtotime($event->EventStartDate);
            			$end = strtotime($event->EventEndDate);
            			$day = date('d', $start);
            			$end_day = date('d', $end);
            			$month = date_i18n('F', $start);
            			$end_month = date_i18n('F', $end);
            			$stime = date(get_option('time_format'), $start);
            			$etime = date(get_option('time_format'), $end);
            			$imagem_de_destaque_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($event->ID), 'full' );
            			$url_imagem_de_destaque = $imagem_de_destaque_array[0];
            			$imagem_de_destaque = theme_thumb($url_imagem_de_destaque, 306, 251, 'tc');
                    <div id="post-<?php echo $event->ID; ?>" class="hentry vevent type-tribe_events post-<?php echo $event->ID; ?> tribe-clearfix tribe-events-venue-22533 tribe-events-organizer-22667">
                        <div class="small-event-header clearfix">
                            <div class="tribe-events-event-meta-wrapper">
                                <div class="tribe-events-event-meta">
                                    <a href="<?php tribe_event_link($event) ?>" title="<?php esc_attr( $read_more_text ) ?>">
                                        <?php if ( $day != $end_day ) { ?>
                                            <div class="date start-to-end">
                                                <div class="day"><?php echo $day . ' a ' . $end_day ?></div>
                                                <div class="month"><?php echo $month . ( $month != $end_month ? '/' . $end_month : '' ) ?></div>
                                        <?php } else { ?>
                                            <div class="date">
                                                <div class="day"><?php echo $day ?></div>
                                                <div class="month"><?php echo $month ?></div>
                                        <?php } ?>
                    				<div class="when-where">
                    					<?php if ( ! tribe_event_is_all_day( $event->ID ) ): ?>
                    						<div><?php echo $stime ?> <?php if ( $stime !== $etime ) echo '&mdash; ' . $etime ?></div>
                    					<?php else: ?>
                    						<div><?php _e( 'All Day', 'church-event' ) ?></div>
                    					<?php endif ?>
                    						if( class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Pro__Templates__Single_Venue' ) ) {
                    							tribe_get_venue_link( $event->ID, true );
                    						} else {
                    							echo tribe_get_venue( $event->ID );
                    				<?php if ( ! empty( $read_more_text) ): ?>
                    					<a href="<?php tribe_event_link($event) ?>" title="<?php esc_attr( $read_more_text ) ?>" class="button button-border accent1 hover-accent1"><span class="btext"><?php _e('Saiba +', 'church-event-child') ?></span></a>
                    				<?php endif ?>
                            <div class="tribe-events-event-image">
                                <a href="<?php tribe_event_link($event) ?>">
                                    <img class="attachment-post-small-2 wp-post-image" src="<?php echo $imagem_de_destaque; ?>" alt="<?php echo $event->post_title; ?>" />
                        <div class="tribe-events-event-details tribe-clearfix">
                            <h4 class="tribe-events-list-event-title entry-title summary">
                                <a class="url" href="<?php tribe_event_link($event); ?>" rel="bookmark">
                                    <?php echo $event->post_title; ?>
                            <div class="tribe-events-list-photo-description tribe-events-content entry-summary description">
                                <?php echo $event->post_excerpt; ?>
            	<?php endforeach; ?>

    Thanks for following up Oliver! Now I see why I was confused about the issue. You are using a theme shortcode instead of our own shortcodes.

    I see two possible solutions here:

    • Use theme shortcode: you’ll need to reach out to Church theme authors on this issue and see if they have a solution available for this.
    • Use PRO widget shortcodes: PRO widget shortcodes provide the same functionality and will include upcoming instances of recurring events. Event List short code should do the trick!

    Please let me know if this helps to clarify the issue,

    Oliver Mark

    Hi, Nico! I’m sorry for the delay.

    The PRO widget shortcodes seems to work, but it still doesn’t show the event’s recurrencies. A test page has been created: “;. The shortcodes being used are:

    [tribe_events_list category="teste" limit="100"] and [tribe_mini_calendar category="teste"]

    None shows the recurrencies at the calendar.


    Hey Oliver,

    No problem for the delay!

    I’m not seeing any other upcoming events under the teste event category: – Can you check on that?

    Testing the list widget locally when WP-Admin > Events > Settings > General > Recurring event instances option is unchecked it shows upcoming recurring instances of the event! For the mini calendar I’m mostly sure this option is not needed.

    Please let me know about it,

    Oliver Mark

    Hi, Nico!

    The WP-Admin > Events > Settings > General > Recurring event instances option is unchecked.

    I updated the event date so you can see it now. There are recurrencies for this event, as you can see in the image:

    But the recurrencies are still not showing up =\

    Again, thanks for the help.



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    Oliver Mark

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    Oliver Mark

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