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  • #1160352
    Mr. Peri


    Is there a shortcode for duplicating the events page on another page? Example, since the booking and paying of tickets happen through woocommerce, after check-out it asks “Back to Shop”, then if you click back to shop it takes you to the shop page which then says no items in shop as I don’t have any actual products that I sell on the website, but will have one day. So if there is a way to duplicate the entire event page, or even just a list (or even better, grid of 4 or 5 net to one another to keep the list shorter) of the upcoming events with a shortcode below the shop items or on a column next to it, then that would solve all my problems.

    I know I asked a similar question before regarding the events in a grid and i am going to keep asking it until it gets developer ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hey there, nice to see you again!

    Great question. It sounds like youโ€™re looking for a way to embed the calendar in any page or post. Weโ€™re actually in the process of working on a feature that would allow you to do that in Events Calendar PRO and I am expecting it to come out in our next major release, version 4.3, if all goes according to plan.

    In the meantime, Events Calendar PRO does offer shortcodes to embed any of the calendar widgets included in the plugin but I’m afraid those are the only means for adding the calendar on another page or post at the moment.

    Does this help answer your question? Please let me know.


    Mr. Peri

    Hi Geoff,

    Nice chatting to you again.

    No, the shortcodes do not work for what I need to do, and unless my column is like only 1/4 of the row, the calendar inserted with shortcode looks horrible
    See shortcode added calendar in full width column here:
    See shortcode added calendar in a row split into 3/4 & 1/4 here:

    Same goes for adding the upcoming events in a fill width row vs smaller columns. So having a shortcode to ad the entire calendar (with filter & search options) just like on the /events page would be fantastic.

    And while you at it (yes i am asking again)….a shortcode to display the upcoming events in a grid format in 4 or 5 or columns like i wangled it here but this here isn’t looking quite right…you know, come to think of it…if it’s a short code to display upcoming events in your photoview only showing the 1st 4 or 5 upcoming events in a row, that will be perfect. But not limited to widget size.


    Thanks si much for following up!

    Sorry the existing shortcodes aren’t what you’re looking for — however, I think you will really love the next version of Events Calendar PRO when it introduces full calendar shortcodes.

    Did you have any other questions about shortcodes that I can help answer? Let me know and I’d be happy to!


    Mr. Peri

    Nope, just early awaiting your update now ๐Ÿ™‚


    Me too! We’re all really excited for 4.3 to release. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In the meantime, please do keep an eye open on our blog — we’ll definitely announce the release there as soon as it’s available.

    Cheers and have a great day!

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