Shopping basket view

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  • #28890
    Philippe Braun

    One thing I noticed while working with WooTicket 1.0: inside the shopping basket, tickets have no thumbnail (instead of using an events’ thumbnail, one has to add a preview image manually in WooCommerce). This is somewhat unfortunate, since many tickets are not linked back to the article (here: event) by its title, but only by the thumbnail image.
    This isn’t very bad, but it adds even more time to the manually having to duplicate and assign events and recreate all tickets reported a few minutes ago.
    Is automatically adding a preview thumbnail using the underlying event’s one in the works, by any chance?


    Hi Phillipe: just want to be sure I am understanding you here. Do you mean you would like the featured image for an event to be duplicated and assigned automatically as the featured image for the corresponding WooCommerce products?

    Philippe Braun

    Hi Barry – yes, while certainly not ideal I think this would make more sense than having an empty thumbnail displayed in the Shopping basket. Another idea would be to have and assign some standard ticket thumbnail, I think. The “problem”, if it is one, is that now I have to explain to the client to
    1) create an event
    2) create one or more tickets for this event within the event
    3) after having saved or published the event, click on “Edit in WooCommerce”, assign a post image there, go back to the event, “Edit in WooCommerce” again if there are more than 1 ticket categories.


    Right, I mean if I’m understanding you correctly and your preference would be for a default thumbnail that perhaps graphically signifies the product is a ticket in some way, then you may be able to do this by customizing the shopping cart – testing for the presence or absence of a thumbnail and inserting a suitable substitute where required.

    Is that something you’ve had a chance to explore?

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