Setting Calendar Width CSS

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    I have searched but this seems a basic misunderstanding. It must be easy, but I’ve not found an answer in 2 days. All I want to do is have the calendar on my blank page with a fixed with of about 700px.

    No matter what I do, it sits at about 1000px.
    Where can I set this? Please! In other themes it sizes in a block, but this is a blank page theme. It must be screwing it up somewhere. I need help where to look.


    Thanks for reaching out! Our calendar width is fluid, so it will fill up the container that it’s in. In other words, you’ll need to set the width on the parent container to 700px, and then the calendar will fill in the width appropriately. Give that a try and let me know if it gets you started in the right direction.

    Thanks! 🙂



    I have been going crazy with this. It seems to display a bit wider than the container. In my case.. I’m trying to cheat the system and fit the WordPress plugin into an HTML site iFrame. It always seemed to be 10% wider than my iFranme so I was looking to do it in the theme or plugin CSS.

    However this morning I played with a few other CSS width settings and forced the theme settings to a thinner width! Whoo Whoo! Loving the product.


    Awesome! Thanks for confirming that this got you sorted. Since it looks like you’re all set, I’m going to mark this thread “Answered” and close it out.

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we would love it if you’d write a few words for us here:

    Thanks in advance. 🙂


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