Searching Venues in Admin brings up event results but not venues…

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    Hi there, we have almost 600 venues in our events calendar and when we try to search for the venue on the admin side it just returns events; not even any other venues or the specific venue we were searching for. Is this something that we can change in the settings that we overlooked? Or is it a bug that we could fix or anything of the sort? Any assistance is much appreciated!!

    Thank you!

    Julie Kuehl

    Hi nakturnal,

    I apologize for asking a simple question here, but I want to have a clear understanding. You are in the Events > Venues admin screen and you enter a search term and click the “Search Venues” button and it returns events, not venues or the venue you were searching for? Does it return events at that venue? Does it return events with that search term?


    — Julie


    Hi Julie,

    Thank you much for the response! Yes, in the Events > Venues screen in the admin, type in a venue name within the search bar, click on “Search Venues” and it actually shows all posts and events for the search, but not the actual Venue itself. Actually, I just typed in the first Event, Venue and Organizer shown for each admin section respectively and it showed no results or only showed posts. So for instance on the Events, the first event was a band called “Pandemic” – I typed that into the Events search and it showed nothing. There is a club called Thunderbirds, typed that into the Venue search and it only showed Posts (non-event posts) with that name in it – no events or the actual venue.

    Please let me know if you need anymore information about our setup. There was one plugin (Swifttype) that we added for better searching for end users, but even after disabling it the search results were the same.

    Thank you for any assistance!!


    Sorry, to clarify my last response – no venues, events or organizer were shown in the search results when searching through those admin pages. So I typed in the first venue name into the “Search Venue” field, clicked on “Search Venues”, and only posts showed. No venue, no events, no organizers. Sorry if the first response was a little unclear.


    Julie Kuehl

    Does it do the same thing if you deactivate all the other plugins and revert to the TwentyTwelve default theme?


    — Julie


    Julie! Holy cow, sorry for the late response. No, I have not had a chance to bring our Staging or Production site back to the 2012 Theme. I do have an exact list of all the plugins we have installed currently, so hopefully this will help. If you feel we should still revert back to the basic install, just say the word and I’ll make another clone of the site. As always, thank you much for the assistance!

    Our plugins (open for suggestion on more awesome ways to run the site!):

    Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram
    Contact Form DB
    DNUI (Delete not used images)
    Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags for WordPress
    Fast Secure Contact Form
    Floating Social Bar
    Google Analyticator
    Hello Ajax Tabs
    jQuery Updater
    MailChimp Campaigns Boards
    Media Tools
    Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Resize Image After Upload
    Simple Ads Manager
    Social Gallery
    Srizon Facebook Album
    Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin
    Swiftype Search
    Term Management Tools
    The Events Calendar
    The Events Calendar PRO
    Theia Smart Thumbnails

    Julie Kuehl

    Hi again nocturnal,

    Whew, that’s a list! I do see some that could possibly be of interest. Would it be too much trouble to clone the site and try deactivating them one by one and seeing if any of them make a difference? And at some point it would be good to deactivate all of them and revert to the Twenty Twelve theme just to check for that too. We’re looking to isolate any conflicts with other plugins or the theme itself.

    Let me know how that goes.

    — Julie

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