Same Training Classes, reoccuring…

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    I am using Woo ticket with your events calendar for a site that sells training classes. The client offers about 5 different types of classes, several times a year (usually once a month per class but it varies). Right now we are creating new events for each class date but this seems like extra work repeating the same exact class description for each different date the class is given. The other problem it creates multiple pages with same description for the same classes. Seems like there should be a “PICK YOUR CLASS DATE” drop-down menu option, near the payment options we already have next to the BUY button (Full Payment, Deposit, Final Payment).

    I have read your other threads of people requesting similar help. Seems to me a (select class date) option shouldn’t be that difficult to program. Adding multiple dates options when we create an EVENT could be used to populate the calendar, eliminating the need to a separate entry for every date a class is given.

    o you have a solution?


    We’re definitely open to feedback and suggestions: if you want to either comment on or show support for an existing relevant entry on our UserVoice page – or else create a new suggestion there if this isn’t covered – then we can use that as a general gauge of interest levels.

    Seems to me a (select class date) option shouldn’t be that difficult to program.

    By itself it probably isn’t outrageously difficult to program – but even so there are a lot of facets to consider and a solid solution that works well for lots of people with subtly different use cases and needs isn’t going to be simple, either.

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