Running one conference – which plugins do I need?

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Running one conference – which plugins do I need?

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  • #1361568
    Erica Dyson

    Hi there

    I contacted you a few months. I am now clear on what functionality I need. Help me select the plugins that I will need.

    . One conference running over 3 days.
    . Registration form customizable so people can say which aspects of the conference they’re interested in
    . Payment via Paypal, email – can it issue receipts and invoices?
    . Different tickets and ticket prices.
    . The ability for people who have paid to print their payment and registration details.. ie do they get this via email?
    . Auto emails for various things
    . Exportable attendee data csv file
    . Register for sessions (not payment related) and for this to be viewable real time by attendees. People will change their mind of course but it will people an idea of who is attending which sessions.
    Ability to push announcements to people during the conference.. I suppose this is just emails as and when.
    Ability to link files to different sessions (events I suppose in technical parlance)

    I imagine all this is standard stuff to you guys so hope you can help me – tell me which plulgins I need and how much it will cost.

    Thanks Erica Dyson +972505448044


    Hi there Erica,

    Thanks for your interest in our plugins! Based on your notes I’d recommend a combination of the following plugins:

    That means you only need to purchase a single plugin (Event Tickets Plus) which is currently available for as little as $89.00. Note that you can always find the current prices for different licensing options via the product page itself 🙂

    I should clarify that it is the ecommerce plugin (in this case, WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads) that handles payments and receipts, etc – if you need clarification on how those things work I’d recommend researching both options and reaching out to their support teams for any further advice you may need on that front, as they are best placed to advise you on aspects relating to sales and payments.

    I hope that helps and remember that we offer a 30 day refund period, so you can take our premium plugins for a spin and if they don’t work for you, we’ll be happy to return your money.


    Erica Dyson

    Thanks a lot for that Barry. That’s what I thought but wasn’t sure. I’ll be purchasing pronto..!

    Ain’t more advice please… Should I set up the different sessions as events. I think that’s
    right. Over the three days the sessions will of course be in different rooms and buildings. If each session is a separate event then I can log all that stuff can’t I?

    What do you reckon is the best way to go? Looking forward to getting started but I’m keen on as little rework as possible:-)
    Thanks Erica


    Hi Erica,

    It’s really up to you 🙂

    As I understand your situation I think setting up different sessions as different events makes a lot of sense (and you could either sell tickets for each individual session or else sell tickets to the whole thing through a dedicated page – just enable support for selling tickets on pages).

    Does that help at all?

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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