Reoccurring Events

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  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ruta.
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    Our reoccurring events are not being generated in the front or backend.

    I’m not sure why its happening, but I do have a temporary fix. When I go through and click update on a past event, the reoccurring events it will generate more events for the next 8 weeks. So, I have to go in and republish every event every 8 weeks in order to maintain the calendar. The issue has occurred on several of our sites within our multi-site set-up.

    The core files are up to date and the events calendar plugins are up to date as well.

    Thank you in advance.


    Hello Ruta,

    Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry to hear about your issue with the recurring events not being generated.

    There can be several things at play here.

    There is a setting under Events > Settings > General tab > Create recurring events in advance for X months.

    Whatever you set there, that many months in the future you event will be created, if the recurrence rules warrant it (i.e. repeat never ending).

    The other thing at play here is the WordPress cron – a task that should run automatically every once in a while. Also something is needed to trigger the cron, usually a visit to the website. If there are no visits, then the cron is not triggered.

    Events Calendar PRO has a cron that runs every day and takes care of generating the recurring events into the future and deletes the ones in the past (both based on the settings).

    Something might have interfered with this cron job and it’s not running. You should be able to check this via installing a cron manager plugin. The cron responsible for this is called ‘tribe-recurrence-cron’.

    Let me know what you find and I’ll try to help you further.




    So if I set something to create the event 2 months in advance, after those 2 months the event will no longer appear on the calendar?

    What does the “Clean up recurring events after” x months refer to?



    Those 2 settings handle / do the following:

    Clean up recurring events after 1 month

    When you set up a recurring event, as time passes, the occurrences that happened more than a month ago will be (should be automatically) removed from your calendar.

    Example: You have a recurring event starting January 1, 2018 and happens weekly every Monday.

    Based on the above settings all events that happened before March 17, 2018 (30 days before today, April 16) will be removed from the calendar.

    Create recurring events in advance for 2 months

    When you set up a recurring event that ends far in the future, then only the occurrences in the coming 2 months are created, and as time passes, the new ones in the future, but still within 2 months of the actual date will be (should be automatically) created.

    Example of the same event, starting Jan 1, 2018, weekly every Monday, going until December 31, 2018.

    As time passes you will always see this weekly event happening 2 months (60 days) into the future. So as of today you should see them created until (approx.) June 18.

    Next week another instance on June 25 will be (should be) added.

    I hope this clarifies the settings and its workings.

    Let me know if you have more questions regarding this, or if you feel that the settings do not work properly.



    Thank you for the clarification.

    Based on the information you’ve provided, the settings are not working properly:

    “When you set up a recurring event that ends far in the future, then only the occurrences in the coming 2 months are created, and as time passes, the new ones in the future, but still within 2 months of the actual date will be (should be automatically) created.”

    When a new event is created, it will initially create the events 2 months in advance as it should. As time passes, new events are eventually not created. Our calendars eventually become empty (most of our events are reoccurring and set with no end date). I then have to manually republish all of my events to correct the issue.


    Okay, that’s not good that they don’t get created.

    Could you please install and activate the WP Crontrol plugin?

    Then go to Tools > Cron Events and send me a screenshot of that page? It should look something like this:

    (The interesting line for us will be the one starting with ‘tribe-recurrence-cron’.)




    Attached is a screenshot. Thank you for your help.


    Thank you!

    The cron seems to be set up and seems to run.

    Next time when events are not generated, then in the row that starts with ‘tribe-recurrence-cron’ click on ‘Run Now’ and check after the success message if the new instances were created or not.

    This is a multi-site installation if I’m not mistaken. Does this happen on all sub-sites of the multi-site? Does it happen also on the main site of the multi-site?



    Thank you.

    Yes, this is a multi-site and the issue is occurring across all of the sub-sites.


    Thanks Ruta!

    I have started running some tests, it will require a couple of days to see if the recurrences are generated for me. I will get back to you as soon as I have something.

    Until then if you get to the situation where you need to generate the new occurrences, please try the process I detailed above. Here it is again:

    Go to Tools > Cron Events. In the row that starts with ‘tribe-recurrence-cron’ click on ‘Run Now’ and check after the success message if the new instances were created or not.



    Hi Ruta,

    I have ran some tests over the weekend on a multi-site installation and the new instances of recurring events got generated for me as expected.

    It might be this glitch is unique to your installation / site.

    I’m looking forward to hearing back from you regarding the manual run of the cron.

    Meanwhile I will try to get another pair of eyes to take a look at this. Maybe we’ll get some ideas what we can still look at.



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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