Remove Venue Link

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  • #56225
    Jonathan Goldford

    I’d like to remove links to the venue from tribe_get_meta_group( ‘tribe_event_venue’ ). If possible, we don’t want to have pages for each venue at all. What do you think is the best way to achieve this?

    Thank you.



    Hi wiredimpact,

    Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to this one either and am going to need to check in with a developer. Stay tuned for an update.

    – Jonah

    Jonathan Goldford

    Hi Jonah,

    Has there been any update with this?




    Hi Jonathan,

    No update yet, I just pinged the developer assigned to the ticket so hopefully will have an answer soon. Sorry for the delay.

    – Jonah

    Jonathan Goldford

    Thanks Jonah. Any idea on when I’ll hear back. The site is due to a client soon, so we’re trying to get everything finished up.



    Could you utilize jQuery to disable those links? This targets the organizer link on a single event’s page, but can be probably be expanded further. You can add this code to a script tag in the Advanced Template Settings ‘Before HTML’ text editor for Events Calendar (found on the Display tab from Events Calendar Settings)

    jQuery(“”).click(function(e) {

    Timothy Wood

    Hey Jonathan,
    If I understand you correctly, you are just trying to remove the links TO the venue pages not necessarily change how a venue page works? The reason I ask is because this gist (add the code to your functions.php) will remove the autolinking of the venue name to the venue page when the PRO plugin is enabled. However, it will not disable the venue’s page so if somehow magically someone has a direct link to it they will still see the page. In order for that type of action to occur we would need to tap into detecting when the post type is loaded and preventing front end permalinks. Which is doable just would require more integration on your part.


    Timothy Wood

    snorton, that is an interesting idea. My concern is that A) it doesn’t actually remove the link – just changes the event action thus if someone has JavaScript disabled or worse a search engine crawls the page it will still have a functional link. My proposed gist would remove the link functionality that we in the PRO plugin thus keeping the venue name without the link.

    Jonathan Goldford

    Thanks a lot Tim. I used the function you provided to remove the link. I plan to block Venue pages from search engines so I’m not that worried about those pages still existing. Removing the link to venues should do the trick.


    Jonathan Goldford

    One more question Tim. If I wanted to remove the headings at the top that say “Details” and “Venue” how do I go about doing that? Sorry to bombard you with questions, but I’m having a lot of trouble walking through the code and I didn’t see any editable templates for the event meta.



    Awesome to hear that got you sorted, wiredimpact! I’m not sure Tim saw your follow-up question (we’ve been a bit shorthanded this week due to a bunch of the crew being at WCSF), but I’ve asked him to take another look just now. Expect a reply shortly and thanks for your patience so far.

    Timothy Wood

    Hey Jonathan,
    I apologize I missed your follow up post. It should be pretty easy to update your group labels using similar logic as updating labels for meta items. Just make sure you set the right ID for the meta group item and that you specify that you’re looking for a meta_group item vs default meta. So it’d be like this: `tribe_set_meta_label( ‘tribe_event_venue’, ‘Your custom label’, ‘meta_group’ );` So if you drop that little bit alongside the other label definitions then it should change it all at the same time.


    Jonathan Goldford

    Hey Tim,

    That worked. Thanks a lot for the help.



    Great thread, thanks for the info!

    I managed to remove the link from the organizer too, but was unable to do the same for the category link. Any idea on how to do this?

    I’ve tried using:
    remove_filter( ‘tribe_meta_event_category_name’, array(‘Tribe_Register_Meta’, ‘event_category’), 10, 2);

    But had no luck.

    Thanks for the help!


    Excellent to hear that got you sorted, Jonathan! Thanks for confirming as much.

    Fenoco: we can totally help you out here. But would you mind creating a new thread, so Tim (or whichever dev hits it first) can get you a reply in as timely a fashion as possible? Thanks in advance!

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