Remove the public attendee list entirely

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  • #1095646
    Jessica Messervey

    Hi there,

    I know there is a PHP snippet to remove the public attendee list, however this snippet does not remove the “Don’t list me on the public attendee list” checkbox.

    Is there a filter that will allow us to remove the opt-out? Or is there a setting to disable the public attendee list feature all together? Note: I’d rather not remove it via CSS.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi Jessica. Thanks for your question.

    If you want to hide it for a specific Event, this checkbox exists when ET+ is active:

    If checked, it adds the ‘_tribe_hide_attendees_list’ custom field (just FYI).

    The tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list filter also exists to hide the Attendees List for a specific post or always. It’s located in this file if you want to reference the filter: /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/Tribe/Attendees_List.php

    I hope this helps!


    She wants to remove the ““Don’t list me on the public attendee list” optout checkbox and so do I. Your answer does not help with that question.


    Matt, thank you for clarifying.

    I didn’t see a filter to remove that via PHP so here’s some CSS to hide it so users shouldn’t see:

    body.single-tribe_events tr.tribe-tickets-attendees-list-optout {
    display: none;

    You can add custom CSS code via your child theme’s style.css file or via a plugin like Simple Custom CSS or, my favorite, Jetpack. Jetpack supports regular CSS and the LESS and Sass pre-processors.

    If you’re not a CSS expert, Jetpack’s Custom Design reference may prove helpful.

    Please let me know how it goes for you.


    Hello, where has the CSS code to insert?


    Patrick, please check out the paragraph below the CSS code in my prior reply.


    I added this to my stylesheet but it’s still showing on the public event pages.


    Do you have any caching in place? If clearing your site cache doesn’t work for you, please open your own new support ticket.



    Hello, can the price of tickets hide that they are not displayed? no other text.


    Patrick, please open your own separate forum thread and include a link to an event that has WooCommerce tickets available to Add to Cart. Then we’ll be able to assist you.

    Sean, please get back to me when you can.

    Thanks to you both.

    Jessica Messervey

    I would like to remove it entirely, not just hide it with CSS using display: none;



    Hi Jessica.

    Since there’s not a filter for removing this, the only way to do this via PHP is to use the Themer’s Guide to override this file: /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/views/tickets/rsvp.php

    I did request the developers add a filter to avoid the need to use the Themer’s Guide so that might be available in a future version.


    Can the file be overridden by adding a copy of file to my theme folder under MY_THEME/tribe-events/tickets/rsvp.php ? Or will it have to be edited inside of the plugins folder?

    EDIT: For me, using WooCommerce, I had to make a copy of plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/views/wootickets/tickets.php and paste it to MY_THEME/tribe-events/wootickets/tickets.php

    I then removed the section with the checkbox input and label. However, I also had to resolve the following line:
    include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../meta.php'; since it’s expecting this file to be in the plugins folder.

    I resolved it by just deleting it 🙂 , but if your setup is not like mine you might run into issues with that.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Joel.

    Joel, the way you’re doing things isn’t supported — it’s not the way the Themer’s Guide says to do it — and could cause issues in the future. Plus, it’s more complicated so please just follow the Themer’s Guide. 😉


    Cliff, I’m confused. I did what I did based on the Themer’s Guide:

    The section in the Themer’s Guide mentions the file I copied explcitly:

    eddtickets/tickets.php – Easy Digital Downloads table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. It shows in the event single, if the event has EDD tickets to sell.
    shopptickets/tickets.php – Shopp table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. It shows in the event single, if the event has Shopp tickets to sell.
    wootickets/tickets.php – WooCommerce table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. It shows in the event single, if the event has WooCommerce tickets to sell.
    wpectickets/tickets.php – WP E-Commerce table of tickets with the button to purchase in the front end. It shows in the event single, if the event has WP E-Commerce tickets to sell.

    Is there something I’m missing. Are we not supposed to copy these files into our theme to override them?

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