Remove recurring event option

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  • #104932

    Hi there! The recurring event option in the community/add feature annoys the heck out of me. I simply don’t want it. For example, somebody created tens and tens of events and some were recurring. I had to go into each one and remove the recurring date. Took me about 40 minutes. I’ve scoured your site for info but only found code that broke the site. Couldn’t you guys drop in an option in the settings to remove the option to add recurring events? Seems like a lot of other people want the same thing? Just an idea. I still love your plugin!


    Definitely possible – take a look at our Themer’s Guide in the first instance for an overview of safely overridding templates, but in essence I’d imagine you could simply override the community/modules/recurrence.php template and just provide a completely empty file as your override.

    Does that help?


    Awesome. Thanks.


    Closing this thread as it’s been quite a while – of course if we can help with anything else please do create a new thread. Thanks!

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