Remove Calendar Sidebar

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  • #926317

    I would like to remove the sidebar from the main calendar view. The calendar is set to my theme’s default page which includes a sidebar. Currently, it displays a full width calendar and the sidebar is actually at below the calendar. I do not want to change the default sidebar, but simply remove it from the events calendar view. Is this possible?


    Hi there, Krystal! Thanks for reaching out. 🙂

    Good question. I do want to note, first of all, that we are a limited in how much support we can provide for custom development questions like this–but I’m happy to help point you in the right direction, if I can.

    If you are using theme’s default page template, then you could edit the template to display everywhere but Events by wrapping the sidebar in a conditional.

    For example:

    if ( is_page_template('page.php') && ! tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_event()) {
    /* get the sidebar... */

    Note this has not been tested and you may need to fiddle with it to get exactly what you’re looking for. You can see a full list of calendar conditionals here.

    Another way might be to use the default events template. This would naturally remove the sidebar from the event calendar view.

    Give those a try and let me know if it does the trick. 🙂



    I was able to find where I could change the events template to a page template with no sidebar and/or comment box. Thanks for your help.


    Awesome! i’m so glad that did the trick–thanks for following up and confirming the answer. 🙂

    I’ll go ahead close this thread, but please feel free to open a new one if anything else comes up–we’d be happy to help.


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