Recurring events showing wrong time on website (1 hour later)

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  • #891933

    If I enter 9:00am (for instance) for a start time in WordPress, it shows as 10:00am on the website.

    Screenshot of admin:

    Time is set to 8:15-9:15pm
    Website shows 9:15-10:15pm


    Not sure why this happening. Any ideas?


    Hi there, Stacey! Thanks for getting in touch. Sorry your’e hitting some trouble here, but hopefully we can figure it out together.

    First off, thanks for sharing the screenshots of your settings–super helpful!

    I tried creating an event using the same recurring event settings and everything seemed to be working.

    Deactivated all other plugins? Yes
    Switched to a default theme? Yes

    As a first step to troubleshooting, can you tell me if you noticed any difference when switching to a default WordPress theme (e.g. Twenty Fourteen) and deactivating all other plugins? Was the time still an hour ahead in those conditions?

    Secondly, are your using any customizations to the plugin? I’m wondering if you’re using any template overrides or functions that would override the default behavior.

    Another possibility is your timezone settings. Can you go to your Dashboard area under Settings > General and verify that the time zone is set to your local time?

    Are you able to share a link where I can see the issue in action? That would help me be able to dig into this a little deeper. You can use a private reply if it helps.

    Please give these steps a try and let me know what you find. 🙂



    This reply is private.


    Awesome, thanks for following up!

    Just curious, does this happen when template overrides are removed? I want to see if we can isolate this to one of the customized templates since I’m still unable to replicate the issue.



    I removed the template folder and the issue persists. I’ve put the template folder back.


    Great, thanks for your cooperation and patience so far! I really appreciate you walking through these steps with me. 🙂

    Can we try creating a new event with the default WordPress theme activated and all other plugins deactivated?

    • <span style=”line-height: 13px;”>Activate the Twenty Twelve theme</span>
    • Deactivate all other plugins, except for The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar PRO
    • Create a new recurring event
    • Use the same recurring pattern you shared with me in your screenshot. You can set the start date to today’s date (11/20), start time to 7pm and end time to 8pm.
    • Double-check its the right date before saving.

    Check the event on the front end of your site. Does the start time there match the start time when you go back to the editing screen on the back end of the site? How about when the customized templates are removed?

    I’ve seen issues similar to this pop up in the past and each time they were the result of the theme or another plugin setting the timezone at the WordPress core level. WordPress sets this function to a UTC in wp-config.php and some theme/plugin developers will change this setting. Our plugin relies on it being UTC, so any changes at the core level would cause problems in the events calendar.

    Let’s give those steps a try, then let me know what you find. If the issue continues, we’ll have to try a deeper testing for other conflicts.



    Hi Geoff,
    Much appreciate all the help you’ve given me! I’ve decided to just hide the time with CSS since it’s not really needed and I’m doing this free of charge for my client. I suspect is has something to do with the date/time, maybe it was changed previously and I would have to go in and re-input all the events and that’s just too time consuming. Going to close this now. Thanks again!


    Rad, thanks Stacey! I’ll go ahead and close this thread but please feel free to open a new one if any other questions pop up. We’d be happy to help. 🙂


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