Recurring events not updating all events marked as recurring

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  • #76383
    James Banks

    Whenever I go to change the event description of an existing recurring event, the popup box that ask me if I would like to update all recurring events does not appear. When I view my events from the index page, the event that I tried to update is no longer defined as a recurring event, even though it is set to be recurring within the event options panel. Please help.

    EDIT – I have updated a recurring event’s time, and the popup box did appear when I clicked update, therefore allowing me to update all recurring events at once. It seems that whenever I change an existing recurring event description, this function breaks…

    Julie Kuehl

    Hey web3,

    I apologize for the failure to get a proper response to you in a timely manner. I just wanted to let you know that we’ve not forgotten about you and will be with you shortly.

    — Julie

    James Banks

    That’s okay Julie. I would appreciate a response on this one soon as the site is about to launch.
    I can provide you the website logins privately if this would make it easier to for you.



    Hi web3,

    Can you share your system information as provided in the Events > Help admin screen?

    Can you also confirm if you were able to try deactivating all other plugins and reverting to a default, unmodified theme such as Twenty Twelve in order to check and see if this might be caused by a conflict?


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