Recurring Events End Date

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  • #1539881
    Lisa Byrne

    Hi there,

    A couple of queries, hopefully you can help!

    Recurrence end date display
    I’m attempting to customise the ‘single event’ template to show recurring events.
    I’ve had some success with functions like tribe_get_recurrence_start_dates () but was wondering if there was a similar function for end dates? I’d like to show all of the event recurrences on the single event page.

    Attached images show
    events_pro_01 – What I have currently
    events_pro_02 – What I’d like to display

    Another possibility would be using the duration field (see events_pro_03.jpg) if I could add line breaks between the dates. Any tips on which functions/files to modify to achieve this?

    Calendar Display
    The calendar display is blocking out a range of dates when there are recurrences either side of them. In the example attached (events_pro_04.jpg) there are events on the 4th and 7th, but the calendar shows them on the 5th and 6th also. Any tips on which files to modify to only highlight the actual dates?

    Thanks in advance, really enjoying working with your plugin, especially the ease of customization!


    Hi there!

    Thanks for reaching out! I will try to help with your questions.

    I am a little confused because the images get renamed when you upload them, so I can’t tell which one’s you’re referencing.

    In any case, to get the end date of an event, you can use tribe_get_end_date().

    For the calendar view issues, can you please provide a link so I can see where exactly this is happening?


    Lisa Byrne

    This reply is private.


    You can loop through the occurrences to use tribe_get_end_date(). Here is an example that another customer shared with us that you can use to get started:

    Looking at the calendar you liked to, it looks like the event has a start and end date that are three days apart. “4 June, 9:00 am – 7 June, 5:00 pm” Is this how you have the event set up? When creating a recurring event, you should enter the start and end date for the first event.

    Hope that helps! Let me know if you still have more questions.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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