Recurring events – 400 Bad Request

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    I am using the calendar pro.
    Newest WordPress Version.

    Since the beginning I have the problem, that recurring events bring a 400 error (bad request).
    You can find it here:
    Look at the event: “test recurring”

    If you look at the URL you will find: domain/%tribe_events_slug%/test-recurring/2016-01-01/
    producing the “400 Bad Request”

    I found as beeing the bad guy the Plugin “Custom Post Type Permalinks”
    If I deactivate this plugin, everything is fine.

    Is there any solution to this?
    Because I really need that plugin?



    Hey Michi,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and thanks for following the Testing for Conflicts procedures to determine where the conflict is occurring. To verify, is this the plugin that you’re referring to?

    My initial question with that plugin would be whether or not they have settings to limit the impact of it’s footprint? Is there a setting to remove tribe_events from being impacted from it’s impact?



    Hi Josh,

    yes, it is the above mentioned plugin in your answer.

    And no there are no settings to limit the impact of it’s footprint.
    And no setting to remove tribe_events from being impacted from it’s impact.



    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for following up with us.

    I did some quick testing but wasn’t able to replicate the issue with both The Events Calendar and the Post Type Pemalinks plugins activated. As an additional step for diagnosing, could you send me a screenshot of the post type settings under the permalinks tab with the plugin activated (

    Also, I do want to set expectations here as well. We are limited in the amount of support we’re able to provide for conflicts such as these. I would like to help you out through this one but at the end of the day there could potentially just be a conflict where the two plugins aren’t able to work well together.



    Hi Josh,
    somehow I am not able to upload the sceenshot?
    But if you want to show me the setting as if in the cloud at the moment.
    they are the settings like in my cinfiguration?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Michael.

    Hey Michael,

    If you would like you can send the screenshot to support[at] and mention that you would like the screenshot shared with “Josh” and I’ll be able to see it.

    Not sure I’m following the rest of your message here though. Are you saying that you’re settings are currently the same as the ones that I have for the events calendar related custom post types?



    Hi Josh,

    I just sent the settings via mail.

    And yes my settings are the same as the ones I can see in that “cloud”?



    Hey Michael,

    I took a look at the screenshots you sent and I believe I see the issue here. Unfortunately, I don’t believe this is something that we’re able to work around directly on our side.

    With the setting being made for the “Events” post type, it will naturally work for regular events. However, for recurring events, the slug requires the extra “date” parameter at the end which looks like it is getting stripped due to the setting in place there.

    When I did my testing, I neglected to review the original thread and didn’t test against a recurring event. I apologize for any confusion I caused due to that misstep.

    From here, I would recommend reaching out to the plugin developer to see if there is a way to prevent the events custom post type from being included in that list on the permalinks page.

    I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you a more direct response, however hopefully this will help to get you pointed in the right direction.


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