Recurring Event repeats every day in calendar mode

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  • #1356783
    Andrea Milana

    Dear Support,

    I am building a website for a client who runs various classes in various days with different recurrence, some are weekly some are daily and so forth, so far I have entered an event that take place every week on a tuesday at 3:15pm when I look at the calendar, this event shows every day, and in certain cases it shows on the same day multiple times.

    I have follow the instructions in regards to disable the plugins etc and the problem still persist, could you please help me with this issue?




    Hi Andrea,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re running into this issue, it does sound a bit odd! Could you please send me a link to this event and a screenshot of the edit screen on the back end?

    Is this occurring with other events as well, or just this one?



    Andrea Milana

    Hi Jennifer,

    sorry for the late reply, I have been away, the link to the website is the following: and I have attached the image as per your request.

    To be honest I do not know if it happens with others, I have not tested it yet.



    Andrea Milana

    Hi There,

    looks like I find out what the issue was, the start and ending date refer to when a single events start and finish, I was instead entering the latest date when the all event recurrence ended

    Thanks for your help, problem solved


    Hi Andrea,

    I’m glad to hear you were able to get it figured out! If you haven’t done so already, I would recommend taking a look at this guide on getting started with recurring events. It has some screenshots and examples that might be helpful if you run into an issue like this in the future!

    I’ll go ahead and close out this thread, but please feel free to open a new one if you run into any other issues!



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