Recurring Event Not showing

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    Thanks for chiming in, unitbit! That’s definitely useful. There are known conflicts with WPML (which we hope to solve), so knowing that your situation was tied to that helps shed a little bit of light on it.



    Thank you, definitely a WPML conflict problem, I disabled translation for Events post type and now everything works fine. Not the best solution since the site is a touristic destination …Looking forward for a fix. Awesome plugin anyway!


    Why don’t you just give me your email and I will make you a user so you can see directly. I don’t have the skill set or time to make some test site.


    Hi there, Janelle. Thanks for following up!

    I totally hear you and can understand why you would like us to log into your site. At the same time I hope you can appreciate that our limited resources prohibit us from being able to provide the level of personal support you’re looking for. We’re happy to help as much as possible but also rely on being met part way to do a little bit of troubleshooting, especially when we don’t know yet that the issue is in fact a problem on our side or a conflict with the theme or another plugin.

    Creating a new WordPress install is generally no more complicated than a couple of clicks on most hosts. Did you create this site yourself or did someone help you? If it was someone else, perhaps you could reach out to that person for further help here–it should be a really quick job.

    I understand that you might feel like this is still beyond your level of technical understanding. If that’s the case and you would prefer a level of support greater than we can realistically provide, you’re welcome to reach out to us over email and we’d be happy to share a list of suitable folks we recommend who would be able to provide that level of support.

    If none of these work for you and you feel we haven’t met your expectations, we can also offer you a refund on your purchase. Of course, we’d hate to see you go and would prefer to make it work, but we’d understand and want to put that on the table for you.



    Hi there, Janelle! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new a new thread and we’d be happy to help you out. 🙂


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