Recurrence Not working with new release

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    The recurrence is not working now. For instance, when you do a new event and set it for every week, usually there is a light box that says confirm etc. but even that it does not work on the front end.


    I am also having issues with recurring events on the new release. If I try to create a recurring event, the request times out, and multiple events are created on the same date, without the recurrence pattern.


    I also see that when you do have recurring events it messes up the slug of the url so for instance my url looks like this /%tribe_events_slug%/rest of my url

    Can this please become a huge priority. I have to put back the old version until this can be done, and we just sent out a news press about the mobile responsiveness. This looks very bad on our company.


    Howdy rosspub,

    We have extensively tested recurrence in the new release as we added a few features. It is definitely working for most everyone else. While we have had a couple of bug reports here and there about smaller things regarding recurrence, nothing like this. We did change how the admin Add Event dialog behaved a little bit, perhaps that explains why you are not see the “light box”?

    To be honest I am not completely clear about what you mean. What are you referring to by light box? Are you referring to the popup box that happened when you were editing a recurring event, and prompted you to save these changes for all occurrences, this one, etc. That box has been done away with in the new release in favor of a more straightforward edit behavior, that can be accessed right from the edit events page.

    I do not understand what you are referring to regarding the slug either. Do you have an example URL I could look at? Perhaps that will help clarify. Any extra information you can give us will be great. We can not fix a problem that we are unable to find or see for ourselves. Thanks!

    Amy, it sounds like your issue is unique. Would you mind opening up a topic specifically for it so we can help you there? In this forum we try and stick to one specific issue and generally customer per thread, as we have found that it helps get you better answers and faster responses. Thank you as well! Unfortunately our forum software does not allow me to split your topic off, or else I would have done this myself. 🙁

    – Brook


    To your 1st question: Are you referring to the popup box that happened when you were editing a recurring event, and prompted you to save these changes for all occurrences, this one, etc. —-Yes. But that is good you done away with it.

    For the 2nd Question about the slug this is an example of what it outputs on events when I try the recurring events. (see below)

    I put back the old version till we can figure this out. Any thoughts on why this is doing this. I even saved permalinks and made sure that everything was supposed to be correct.

    On the previous version I just put back, this is what the url looks like now and the recurring events are working normally again. ( see below )

    Thanks for your quick response.


    the Slug issue is only on single events when clicked on from the calendar.


    You are so welcome!

    Thank you for the example URLs. That makes a lot of sense now. If you go to WP Aadmin > Events > Settings, and scroll down to “Single event URL slug”, I bet you it will be set to “%tribe_events_slug%”. Change it to “event”, and click save. If it is already set to event, mind changing it to “event-test” and click save, to see if that fixes it? If that did fix it, changing it back will probably permanently fix the problem.

    – Brook


    I wasn’t set to “%tribe_events_slug%”, but I did what you said and it still returns ” %tribe_events_slug%”. This is so confusing. I did a search for this in the plugin and nothing is returning that you guys use this ”
    %tribe_events_slug%” No clue where this is being generated from. I just did a mass sweep of all my files as well.


    So I figured out the problem. I had a custom post type permalink plugin that i wasn’t even using that I thought I deleted and that was messing up the rewrite rules. Now it is working just fine. Sorry for all the issues. Great Plugin, been using it for years. Keep up the good work.


    Glad to hear it rosspub. Thank you for posting the solution.

    We have had trouble with custom post type plugins in the past. They seem to change too many things about how WordPress works, and thus frequently conflict with other plugins like ours that use custom post types. Glad you were able to remove it. Cheers!

    – Brook

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