Re: Link back to the original Facebook event

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  • #28217

    I thought I would share this as a quick fix for the question asked on
    Link back to the original Facebook event forum post.

    I am sure the gurus at tribe will come up with a better, built in, solution in an update but this seems to be working for me. It creates a nice themed button to the original Facebook event at the bottom of the right meta column in the single event view page (under the event address) .

    Edit: looks like the forum is mistaking some code in a function as HTML so here is a link to the below steps:
    Step 1: Paste this into your theme’s functions.php file:

    *Plugin: Tribe Facebook Events Importer
    *Checks if the event came from facebook
    function is_fb_event(){
    if ($fbMeta['_EventOrigin']['0']==$verifyString){
    return $result;
    if ($fbMeta['_EventOrigin']['0']!=$verifyString){
    return NULL;

    *Plugin: Tribe Facebook Events Importer
    *Builds a button to the original facebook event page in the event's info page
    function build_fb_link(){
    echo "Join event on Facebook";

    Step 2: Paste this into your theme’s CSS file (or “events.css”)

    #tribe-events-event-meta .fb {

    background: url( #3B5998 10px 5px no-repeat;
    background-size:22px 22px!important;
    padding: 7px 0px 0px 38px;
    margin: 0 0 20px 30px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
    -moz-border-radius: 4px;
    border-radius: 4px;

    #tribe-events-event-meta .fb a{
    color: #ffffff!important;

    #tribe-events-event-meta .fb a:hover{

    Step 3: Paste this into your “single.php” file in your “plugins/the-events-calendar/views/” folder between line 84 and 85

    if (is_fb_event()==true){build_fb_link();}


    Thanks for posting this, it’s great to see community members sharing tips and tricks.

    And yes, the forum doesn’t handle code too nicely – so using Pastebin, Gist or a similar service as you have done is the best way to share code.


    Hi Dom! Trying to make this work.The code keeps showing up on my event posts. Not sure what step I messed up. Where is the events.css file?


    Hi Jacinta,

    Sorry for the delayed response. You’ll find the events.css file at /wp-content/plugins/events/resources/events.css


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