Rating the Venues

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    nice plugin, using the Pro since one day and get only one major problem: i need to allow my website users rating the Venues, it seems to works, but when rating Venues it rates the Event (or unique/last event) of the Venue instead of rating the Venue itself, i tested WP-PostRatings and i am waiting for a reply from their support, now my question is:

    there is someone here that have a (stars or something alike) rating plugin working -even only- with the Venue ?

    If yes, I would like to know what plugins it is, thank you!


    Hey Franco,

    Unfortunately, no such plugin exists at this time 🙁

    I’m sorry to bear that bad news, but hopefully you find other plugins out there useful and are able to build something that works well for the needs of your website.

    Cheers, and best of luck with your searching,


    Hey George,

    thanks for your reply, I am wondering why the Venues cannot independetely being rated as the Events, as the Venues seems independent content such as WP Pages or Posts (/venues/myvenue such as /category/mypage) even if they are -of course- correlated with their events.

    Yes this is sad to see how Venues are handled in that case, Venues should be considerated as independent content such as the Posts or Pages and it would fix a lot of issues, not only for rating. Maybe.



    Hey Franco,

    I’m sorry it’s not working out on your site either, and wish we could help more in this situation. The odd thing is that Venues are more or less standalone content types like Posts or Pages, so I’m not sure what’s causing the problems.

    Best of luck with finding a ratings plugin that works for you, though. I’ll close up this thread but don’t hesitate to open a new thread at any time if other questions/concerns arise.


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