Random event tile display

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  • #397866

    Hi there
    LOVE YOUR PLUGIN. Just have a small issue that I am not sure now to fix…
    When I open up the main calendar it displays the name of the first event that month as the heading. http://www.laurahknight.com/spl/alauevents/

    You’ll see I have used Category view on the tab of my homepage so show types of events. Which is fine when you land on the page. It displays the name of the Category. However as soon as you scroll to the next month you get the he name of the first event that month again.

    How do I get rid of this?


    Hi – glad you love the plugin 🙂

    What you’re describing can pop up with certain themes and in some cases it may be necessary to intervene directly with the theme (if it’s possible to do so) – but before we consider more extreme measures there are some potentially easier avenues we can explore.

    The first thing to try is adding a short line of code to your wp-config.php file:

    define( 'TRIBE_MODIFY_GLOBAL_TITLE', true );

    Could you give that a go and see if it helps at all with this problem?



    LOVE you guys 🙂


    I’m so glad that helped 🙂

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread – but of course if we can assist with anything else please don’t hesitate to create a new thread (or threads) and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

    Last but not least, if you had a moment we’d love to hear your thoughts on The Events Calendar over on our review page. Thanks again!

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