QR Reader Problems

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    I have tried five QR code readers, and they all bring me to the event URL and do not check me in to the test event that I set up. The readers that I have tried are:
    Insta QR Code
    Code Scanner
    QR Reader
    QR Scanner

    Yes, please share which ones will work.

    Thank you,

    Reporting the same issue as: https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/qr-code-check-in-2/


    Hi, Brad. Sorry things haven’t been smooth sailing here.

    I’ve heard that the app by http://www.quickmark.com.tw/ has enough configuration options to work in a variety of ways, whether or not to open the QR’s link in a browser or just make note of the URL (which can then be exported to CSV, Dropbox, or Mac’s clipboard). It also has a paid upgrade for bulk scanning, which I heard worked well.

    Of course, we don’t develop it so we can’t guarantee it, but please do report back if you do give it a try.



    Thank you Cliff for getting back to me. I’ll try it out on Monday and hopefully all will be good.

    Have a great weekend!


    You bet!


    Good morning Cliff,

    I am not having any success with the quickmark reader either. Is it possible that there is a setting somewhere in the Event Tickets plugin that needs to ‘allow’ QR scanning? I’ve been paging through all of the wordpress places that this may be and cannot find anything.

    Every QR scan attempt just brings me to the event page.

    Thank you for your continued help.


    Maybe it’s that you’re not logged in?

    The scanning requires the scanner to be logged in to avoid just anyone getting hold of the link and accidentally or purposefully/maliciously marking someone as checked-in.

    So, to check someone in via QR code:

    1. login to WordPress in the browser that the QR scanner will use (e.g. its own browser, Safari, Chrome, etc)
    2. scan the QR code

    FYI: I believe you have to be logged in as an Editor or higher (I believe it requires ‘edit_pages’ capability).

    Please let me know if this clears things up for you. I haven’t seen others reporting this issue so hopefully it does.


    Is it possible that the wrong QR code is being placed onto the email ticket?

    I just don’t know what else can be tried. My next step is to move on to Eventbrite and hope that their check in system works.


    I’m sorry Cliff. I didn’t receive notification of your last post. I’ll check into what you have suggested. Thank you, Brad

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    Since I had a number of hours into this, and only was able to get it figured out after Cliff mentioned logging in, I thought I would share the instructions that I just wrote for our staff. If there are instructions somewhere in the Events Calendar website, they were lost on me because I couldn’t find them.

    QR Code Checkin
    Log in to WordPress on smartphone ~ each person should have their own wordpress login
    Go to attendees page of the event. (Select Events, select the specific event, select Attendees. Leave this window open in your phone’s browser.
    Scan QR code through a QR code scanning ap – then follow the link to your web browser. QuickMark QR Reader has been the most successful.
    Close that new browser window and go to QuickMark ap to check in the next QR code.
    The QR code can only check a guest in once automatically. It will not rescan to check out a guest. This needs to be done manually on WordPress in the attendees section if needed. With a wrist band, this shouldn’t be a concern.


    Brad, thank you so much for your documenting your process. I apologize for it being difficult for you and others to get a grasp on the process.

    I’ve requested of our Knowledgebase team to add new documentation around scanning QR codes.

    Also, regarding the “check out” functionality you mentioned, this isn’t the way this functionality is designed. Therefore, you might want to request this as a new feature (or maybe search to see if the idea was already posted by someone else) at our plugins’ UserVoice page.

    This allows others who are interested in that feature to easily voice their support. We frequently review suggestions there to find out which ones are popular, then we implement as many of them as we can.

    If you post it / find it, feel free to link to it from here in case anyone comes across this forum thread in the future.

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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