QR Codes

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  • #1036165

    I have a ticket printed out that has a QR code on it. With my cellphone logged in the back end of the website. Opened up a QR reader app on my cellphone and scanned the QR code on the ticket, attempting to check the person in for the event. The QR code just takes me to the front end of the website where i’m selling the tickets to the event and that is it.

    So I have to manually check the customer into the event?

    If the QR codes are not working yet, why print them on the tickets. It just creates confusion?


    Am having the same issue here. I found if I then signed into the back end within the QR app I was using, and then scanned it again – it worked. But I don’t know how long it would keep you logged into that session as its within the QR app itself.

    Maybe they need to suggest a supported QR app that works well with the barcodes?



    Here is a quick guide:

    How to check in using Ticket Plus’s QR Codes:

    1. Get an App for your phone or tablet that can read QR codes (Scan for IOS is what I use)
    2. Setup the Scanner App to open in a browser or in the app itself (I used Chrome as my browser with the app and signed in there)
    3. In either sign into your site with at least a author level account or create a special account with edit_posts and read capabilities (User Role Editor is an easy plugin to do this with)
    4. Scan the QR Code and you will get a success message such as “This Ticket with ID xxxx was checked in.”

    If you are just seeing the event page with no success message it does not recognize you as logged in.

    If anyone is having issues with this, please create a new ticket and we can help out.



    Thanks for your response. I’m using an iPhone and using Safari as my web browser. My problem was in the Safari Settings. I had it set to Block Cookies. Once I changed the Cookie setting to Always Allow, the qr scan check in worked. Thanks You so much.


    I am glad to see you were able to figure it out.

    I am going to go ahead and close this ticket. If you have a similar issue or another in the future, please do not hesitate to create a new ticket.


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