Purchase Limit Not Working for Free Events

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    We are currently kicking the tires on Events Tickets Plus + Easy Digital Downloads for our free events (which still require more than the RSVP functionality). Most of it works great, thank you. However, we have found that “Purchase Limit” does not seem to work.

    ‘Capacity’ works fine, but if I set the Purchase Limit, the front end ignores it and allows you to register as many attendees as the Capacity will allow.

    We’ve been using ECP for many years and have not run into issues before – I don’t think its a plugin or theme conflict. Any ideas? I see that some other people have run into this issue with free events.

    If you get to this in the next few hours, you can use this test event. Purchase Limit is set to 1.






    You can use this link, now: https://dev-wharton-test-goodbarber.pantheonsite.io/event/copy-of-first-impressions/

    Capacity is set to 15, Purchase Limit is set to 1.


    Hi Eric,

    This is unfortunately a known issue, and we are working on getting it resolved. However, we do have a workaround for the time being.

    You can follow the instructions in our themer’s guide to copy the tickets.php template (found at wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/views/eddtickets) into your child theme and replace the code in your copy with this code.

    I don’t have a timeline at the moment as to when the fix will be released, but I did link this thread to our internal ticket for the issue. As soon as we have an update, we’ll let you know here.

    I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing! If you have any questions on getting the workaround implemented, please let me know!




    Hi Jennifer,

    Thank you for the response here. I wanted to check back in because the template you shared seems to be related to using Woocommerce. We are using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin to manage the tickets, is there a similar fix that is known for that implementation?

    Additionally, I have noticed a problem after I change the stock for a particular event, I am no longer able to purchase tickets. On the back end and on the ticket page it indicates that tickets are available, however, once I get to the Checkout page, I get this error: Error: Sorry! Only -1 tickets remaining for General Admission

    It appears that the quantity is being improperly set in this file: /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/Tribe/Commerce/EDD/Main.php and consistently returns a negative number.

    This behavior can be seen by add a ticket to this event: https://dev-wharton-test-goodbarber.pantheonsite.io/event/first-impressions/

    Please let me know if you can provide any more insight on this issue. Thanks!



    I’m so sorry about the delayed response here – this thread was not showing up as waiting on my end.

    Thanks for clarifying that you’re using EDD…This might be a separate issue. Can you please send me a screenshot of the settings that you have for this ticket (with the sections expanded) and copy/paste your system info for this site into a private reply? You can find this under Events > Help > System Info.



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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