Problems removing form fields from "Submit an Event" -page

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    I have trouble with my submit an Event page

    Tenants group in Boyle Heights demands ‘rent forgiveness’ during Covid-19 crisis

    1. I am trying to remove whole parts
    I read through the help file how to copy and edit venue.php in my theme folder – no help, I did not see the mentioned three sections I wanted to remove.
    2. There seems to be a nasty conflict with BulletPress Theme and Event Submit page: everything is doubled on the page. :/



    Sorry for the issues you are having.

    I can help you out here on removing sections of the Community Add Form.

    To remove certain sections from the form you will want to go to this directory:


    There you can find the Venue, Organizer, etc sections.

    Follow the Themer’s guide to move them to your theme and if you do not want them to show

    I would just comment out or delete the content of the file in your theme.

    As for the BulletPress Theme conflict, not sure what is the issue, but it sounds like it is running it’s own loop causing the problem. Not sure how to resolve that in that specific theme.

    If you have an error or something specific with this conflict we can try to help out, but for the most part theme conflicts are beyond the support we can provide on the forum.

    Let me know what you find out and we can go from there.




    Brilliant, thanks for the quick reply! Finally got the idea how to remove sections, thanks!

    Still bugged by the double display of the event form. Event Calendar and BulletPress seem to have conflicts, any ideas how to proceed. Checked on debut mode and the only thing the page gives is
    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: category_id in /home2/boylehei/public_html/wp-content/themes/BulletPressWP/functions.php on line 276

    I would be fine running the Add Event page on a blank page or popup without BulletPress theme if that would fix the problem. I just don’t know how to do that :/


    I do not think that php notice is causing the issue.

    To try and fix it, I would start by going to here:

    Events > Settings > Display Tab

    Then on this field:

    Events template

    Change the different selections and see if one of those does a better job of viewing the events.

    The theme developer would have a better idea on how everything works and if they have a piece of coding to turn off their loop on events pages we could do that with conditionals such as these:

    That is about all we can do to help out with theme conflicts, but if you get some more information we can try to help out.



    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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