pro plugin conflict with homepage pagination

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    I just noticed my homepage pagination is not working properly ( by deactivating my plugins one by one it seems as though the PRO plugin is the culprit:/


    Howdy jonwalker72,

    That is no good! I wondering if you go to Wp Admin > Events > Settings and look for the box “Include events in main blog loop”, is that checked? What happens if you uncheck that box, does paging work?

    Some themes and even other plugins implement their own paging schemes. Unfortunately when they implement their own instead of using WordPress’ provided one they open the door to conflicts, and sometimes our plugin will be the one that conflicts. You might be able to modify your themes pager to use the WordPress standard one. This article dives into the conflicting paging schemes in a little more detail.

    Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

    – Brook


    the box isn’t checked. Ok i’ll ask the theme developer about the pagination.


    That is probably best jonwalker72. I have to direct you elsewhere when you came to us for support. But, the truth is that our plugin works fine with paging in most themes.

    The article I pointed you to should generally only apply if you have checked that box. This is the first time I have ever seen a page stop working because of Tribe plugins. It is possible that there is a JavaScript conflict between our plugin and the theme. In which case he might need to change how his JS works, or on rare occasion we have found that our namespacing or rules are overly generic and we have made adjustments. Either way, if your theme developer is interested in making his theme compatible with TEC he can contact [email protected]. We do have 750,000 downloads, so often times theme devs are interesting in making their plugin compatible. We do our best to work with theme developers when possible. Cheers!

    – Brook

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