PRO 3.0 Upgrade – Customization issue with is_single() for tribe_venue post type

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    I have the following code in my functions.php file, which is no longer working since the upgrade:

    if ( is_single() && ‘tribe_venue’ == get_post_type() ) {
    // do something here

    I tried using is_page() instead of is_single() but that is not working either. How can I target the single-venue.php page? I am using Genesis, and am trying to use a hook to insert some code before the content and sidebar divs, which cannot be done using the single-venue.php template override.


    Hi aguawebdesign,

    Please use the following conditional code for any of the various views:

    – Jonah


    I updated it to
    if( tribe_is_venue() ) {
    // do something here
    } else {
    echo “foo”;

    But it still is not working. The single venue page is outputting “foo.”


    Hey aguawebdesign, I just wanted to let you know that we don’t do support on the weekends, but Barry will be back in touch as soon as possible.


    Hi aguawebdesign,

    What file in your theme are you using the code in?

    – Jonah


    Hi aguawebdesign,

    Here’s a similar conditional that I am able to use within functions.php:

    if ( get_post_type() == ‘tribe_events’ || ‘tribe_venue’ || ‘tribe_organizer’ ) {

    // Do stuff


    Just checked using that conditional within a template file and can confirm that it doesn’t work. Returns true for every page.


    Update to last post. Adding && is_single() via Jonah’s gist does indeed work correctly.


    Thanks for the updates Bryan, I’m glad you got that working. aguawebdesign, are you all set as well?


    I’ve been on vacation and just now coming back to this.
    I am trying to use the conditional within functions.php. I need to add a title above the post content so using the template file won’t work. I am using Genesis hooks to position the title.
    I tried using Bryan’s suggestion but it’s still not working. Before the upgrade to 3.0 it was working fine. I am trying to use:
    if ( get_post_type() == ‘tribe_events’ ) {

    When I try and output the post type name it says “page.” I am using a custom template for this page, located in: theme directory/tribe-events/pro/single-venue.php. The template is showing up so that part is working. I just am not able to use conditionals on the template via functions.php.


    Actually, even the following doesn’t work:
    if ( is_single() } {
    // do something

    This shows up on all other single pages except the venue page.
    Here is a link to the page I am referring to in case that helps:


    Hi there AguaWebDesign,
    You mentioned earlier you are using a custom template for that page.
    Since it is now considered a Page thats your issue. Pages are actually just a special post type called “page” (which you saw before). Note that is_single() will not run on either the “page” or “attachment” core WordPress post types. is_single() will work on any other type of post.

    If you are using this template on just one page, what you could do maybe is get the post_id (since even pages have id’s) and then do your conditional like this:

    if (get_the_ID() == ’62’){



    Did you see Chris’ last note here, AguaWebDesign? Any thoughts?


    Chris’ suggestion works, but none of the code I had inside the conditional statement is working. Prior to the upgrade, this all worked fine, so I guess I am not clear on what changed.
    The code inside my conditional calls up the post thumbnail and uses
    tribe_get_city( get_the_ID() )
    to call up the city name. Neither the thumbnail or the city name are showing up.
    Second – the method of using the post ID in the conditional statement is not ideal, because it would have to be manually added each time the client adds a new venue. I prefer a universal conditional that catches all single venues as they are added through the dashboard.

    To be clear, I am using the method described in the Plugin documentation to create a custom layout for the single venue post type. Before the upgrade, this method still treated it as a venue post type. Now it is a page? How can I apply a custom layout to the post type, while still having it be recognized as a post type? Maybe I am misunderstanding something. If there is a better method than the one I am using please let me know.


    Can you post a copy of your code that you’re using on Pastebin or something and then put a link to it here?

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