Print Friendly Monthly Calendar View?

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    I know there have been forum posts in the past in regards to printing the calendar. But is there a print friendly option available? Something along the lines of a print button that can be clicked that only will print the monthly calendar view & not the rest of the site?


    Hello Michael!

    Thanks for reaching out! Let me try to help you with that.

    There is no built in way to achieve what you are looking for, but I did found a code snippet from Cliff that will add some css styles for a more print-friendly version of the month calendar. You can tweak it to suit your needs.

    Try placing the following snippet into your theme’s functions.php file:

    If you want to add a print button, you can do so by customizing the month templates using one of the methods described in our themer’s guide >

    Additionally, I found an article out there that explains how to add a print button >

    I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any follow up questions and I’d be happy to help.



    @Victor, thank you for the information.

    Essentially I was hoping for something that would almost create a PDF of the page that was more print friendly. But after reading thru the suggestions, I do not believe they will work in this case. Since they typically do have a lot of items on their calendar in a given month.

    Thank you for your follow up.


    Hi Michael!

    Thanks for following up with this.

    As an additional reference, let me point you to the following plugin that you might want to check out if you want to create a PDF for a page or post >

    As you marked this resolved I’ll go ahead and close it, but feel free to open a new topic if anything comes up and we’d be happy to help.


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