Pricing clarification question

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    If I were to want Pro, Community and Filters does that mean $89 (for Pro) + $89 (for Community) + $89 (for Filters) for a total of $267. And then that $267 again each successive year we want to have up to date plugins?

    Or is just a single $89 payment (per year) to purchase “Pro” and gain access to the Community, Filters and other extensions?


    Hi there CLRH20,

    You would pay the same price each year (and in this case, for those three plugins, that would indeed be $267 each year).

    Please also note that you are free to end your subscription at any time and the plugins will continue to function as they did previously, however you will only have access to support and updates for as long as your subscription is current (there is also no guarantee that out-of-date plugins will continue to run on more recent versions of WordPress, etc).

    Something you might be interested in is our range of product bundles, which provide a means of saving money when you purchase multiple plugins in one transaction. If there’s a combination like the one you mentioned that isn’t covered by an existing bundle, not a problem!

    If you can confirm the email address you provided when you created this ticekt is still valid we’d be happy to send you a coupon to provide you with equivalent savings 🙂


    I’m happy to, yes; that is the correct email. Thank you.

    Having maps (which require the use of our own paid google API account), front end user submission forms for adding events, and a way to display things to page (standard filtering) that have been entered into this system is, key.

    Our desire is to see these three fit into our planned budget – hopefully what you send does just that 🙂


    Email sent!


    In truth, we are surprised to find that “Filtering” isn’t simply a part of the base functionality of the calendar it’s self – and instead sold an add-on which costs as much as the entire ‘PRO’ system upgrade on it’s own.

    To that fact, we greatly appreciate the email sent last evening with the code to use for signing up. It makes a difference and its looking likely we’ll join now. Just have to kick this up the line and confirm.



    Thanks also for the feedback re pricing. This is something we review regularly and though I don’t believe there will be any changes in the near future we’ll certainly take note of this for further discussion.


    Hello there 🙂 I’ve gone to buy our cart this evening and the code you provided us which is still supposed to be valid is showing as “expired”?



    Hi CLRH20 — sorry for the confusion. As noted in our email conversation, the coupon has now been reactivated. Thanks!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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