Prevent dates in the past? (repost)

Home Forums Calendar Products Community Events Prevent dates in the past? (repost)

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    I am reposting as my previous question – – got closed before I could respond.

    I have an old Community Events license which I am planning to renew. I noticed that with the old version there is no way to prevent a user from entering dates in the past. From Andras’s response to my previous question it seems that is still the case.

    Could you kindly explain the logic in allowing users to do this? It seems more like a bug, or something that should be configurable via the settings rather than something customers should have to (pay to) customise.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by rtandoh.

    Hello and welcome back 🙂

    While I can’t give an exact answer why the datepicker allows to select past dates on the Community Events submit event form, I imagine it was discussed during the initial planning or a decision made later on.

    I did a quick check of our logged/feature reports and don’t see anything resembling what you’ve described, so it doesn’t appear to be an issue for a large amount of users. I also did some research to see if I could find a work around in the mean time but was unable to come up with anything.

    Our UserVoice Feature Ideas is the best place to voice your opinion on what you want to see in an upcoming feature and/or maintenance release. Sorry I don’t have a better answer or a solution for you in the mean time and best of luck with the customizations. Cheers!


    Thanks for your reply Hunter.

    I have submitted the feature request on UserVoice as suggested:



    Excellent! We truly appreciate you taking the time to add that to the UserVoice and hopefully can get it included in an upcoming release. Have a great rest of your week and please feel free to open a new thread if you have any questions or concerns. Cheers!

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