Pre Purchase Question: Events Tickets Plus

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Pre Purchase Question: Events Tickets Plus

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  • #1457370
    Alvise Nicoletti

    I readed this:


    Is not a good example because I need to understand:
    – how an event YOU CAN BUY works
    – how many options can be customized in that area, for example reduced-price tickets / childrens / oldage are possible options ?

    Thank you,
    Alvise Nicoletti


    Hi Alvise,

    Thanks so much for reaching out and for your interest in our products!

    If you’d like to check out our plugins in action, you can try the free version of our Event Tickets plugin to start.

    We also have a great 30-day full refund policy, so if things really don’t work out the way you’d like, you can easily get a full refund.

    You can create additional Attendee Information, so you can add unlimited custom options to your tickets.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions before buying!




    Alvise Nicoletti

    I am sorry but it’s not enough …
    … we need a link where we can see the plugin in action,
    with a form to BUY a ticket. is great
    but I can’t find that.


    Hi Alvise,

    You can check out Event Tickets Plus on from the front-end here.

    Let me know if you have any other questions on this topic!




    Alvise Nicoletti

    Perfect thank you,
    I will send this link to the final customer.



    Glad we could help, you are welcome back in our support forums any time!

    Since this issue has been resolved, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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