Post/Page Carousel pull venues

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  • #1091311
    Chris Claghorn

    I’ve been a long time user of your awesome plugins! I’m having issues trying to pull in a CPT category (a venue called Club 250) in my post/page carousel plugin. Sadly, I’ve reached out to the developer with no success. I’m able to pull in all of my calendar events with the following shortcode:

    [gts-pcarousel template=”simple” post_type=”tribe_events” autoplay=”4000″ cat_slug=”” items=”4″ length=”excerpt” read_more=”Read More” link_color=”” border_color=”” bg_color=”” nav=”1″ pagination=”0″ slider_id=”” link_thumb=”true”]

    I’m wanting to pull only one venue’s events into the carousel. The event category slug is “club-250”. I’ve read that it may not be available to pull from because it’s not registered?? Is there a way for me to pull this filtered list from my calendar?


    Hey @claghorn,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Unfortunately, what you’re trying to do may not be possible. The cat_slug option in your shortcode is likely only for post categories, not Events Categories, which are a separate taxonomy—which is likely what the author of that plugin was referring to when they said the event category slug was “unregistered.”

    You might be able to achieve what you want with some extensive custom coding, but we unfortunately do not even provide for custom coding within our own plugins, so we would not be able to write custom code for a third-party Carousel plugin. I’m sorry about this situation, and that I have to bear this bad news, but if you have paid for your Carousel plugin I would recommend trying one more time with the author with perhaps a more specific question like, “How do I allow filtering by a custom taxonomy?”

    Events Categories are a custom taxonomy and so hopefully the author’s answer to that question, if you pose it to them, helps you on your journey. If you would like to hire a professional developer to write the code for you, we have a list of great developers here that might be helpful → (we have no affiliation with any of these folks—they’re simply some well-respected names in the community that we’ve compiled to share in situations like this one).

    Sorry to bear some bad news here, @claghorn—let me know what you think and if there’s anything else I can try to help with!


    Chris Claghorn

    Is there a post carousel plugin that would pull certain venues from Events Calendar Pro that you would suggest? I’m not opposed to using a different method as long as I can use your plugin 🙂

    Chris Claghorn

    Found one that works well with the Events Calendar and let’s me pull in filtered carousel by venue too. Plugin name is Meta Slider Pro


    Glad to hear it! Thank you for sharing your solution, too.

    Best of luck with your project,

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