post info and meta showing on calendar

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    Hi guys,
    For some strange reason this has just happened to my site.
    The Calendar now has the post info and meta data displaying at the top and bottom, as does event list and all single event pages. This has never happened up until now. I have tried working in the functions to stop the call but I can’t seem to get it to respond. I shouldn’t need to do this right?


    Hi Robert. I tried following the URL you entered when you created this thread but it seems only to go to a domain/hosting holding page. Can you provide a URL that will let me see the problem?


    Sure Barry,

    If you check out the events listing view page and any single events you will see the the issue.

    Member right? I take it you mean this sort of thing:

    Posted on January 12, 2013 by Nagoya-info admin

    If so, I suspect that is down to your theme rather than events calendar. Can you visit Events > Settings > Template and look at the Events Template setting?

    What is this set to – if you change it to Default Events Template or otherwise play around a little does that resolve things?


    Sorry this is such a slow response Barry.
    I am using the default template it just for some reason is now displaying the post meta and info. I’m guessing the events manager default template strips this as standard right? Is it being over run by the theme?


    By the way, I have played around with the functions in the theme to add this but – does nothing but brake it.

    add_action(‘genesis_before’, ‘remove_info’ );
    function remove_info() {
    if ( is_singular (‘events’) || is_post_type_archive (‘events’)) {
    remove_action( ‘genesis_before_post_content’, ‘genesis_post_info’ );


    Hey Robert!

    I am using the default template

    Can you be a little more specific – it could for instance be set to either Default Page Template or Default Events Template. If I test things out with a Genesis theme I find the latter is a good setting and avoids the problem you have described.

    Can you try that and let me know how you get on?


    Hi Barry,
    Yes, so sorry for not being specific.
    I tried as you suggested with the following results:
    1) The meta and post info did not show = good
    2) A fixed full width template – I’d prefer if possible for both the calendar and list view to keep to the content-sidebar layout.

    Tell me Barry, is there any way to work around the layout options?


    Okek dokey, well in that case probably your approach (removing the relevant Genesis action) is the best way to do this. Bear with me and I’ll see if I can throw a snippet together.


    Thanks Barry,
    I really appreciate you help with this.
    In case my response wasn’t clear – I went with the default events template as you suggested as the meta and info is stripped.
    If it is possible to work out a function to force a layout change to the calendar and list view (as these are the only 2 which show full width) this would be awesome.


    OK, good thing you clarified! One moment …


    OK – so a single event like is what you are after, and you want to extend this to event pages like the calendar/upcoming events list but not to standard WP pages … is that correct?


    Barry – You are most certainly correct that is exactly what I am after.
    As I’m working with such a wide layout the full width is a little awkward for yes – The same “content-sidebar” look of the single event pages for the calendar and list view.

    By the way, my apologies for staggered responses as I’m based in Japan.

    By the way,


    Apologies also for the unorganized and slightly hard to read response – I was typing from an iPhone.

    I want the “content-sidebar” layout of the single event pages to apply to the calendar and list view.
    You are right – I don’t want this to apply to the other pages on the site as I have set a “sidebar – content – sidebar” layout as a site default.

    Thanks Barry


    OK, I think I’ve got you now. I’ll see if I can compose a generic solution using Balance or some other Genesis theme, you may need to tweak it a little. Bear with me!

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