Permalinks Issue

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  • #11666

    I am using permalinks setting: Month & Name which looks like..

    In the Calendar Settings I have the URL Slug as events. But when I run the site the links show up instead of
    Any idea how I can get the proper URL on the links? The Calendar URL Slug setting swill not let me make it index.php/events. It strips the forward slash.


    Hey Lee, thanks for the note. Is this possibly an issue of where the calendar is installed? Everything before the /events isn’t being generated by the plugin; the URL structure for the events should be the same as for any other post. Is there a reason you need to have the index.php in the URL to begin with?

    Let me know, just to clarify things for me. I can get a dev to take a look from there as needed.


    I think the issue is the use pf permalinks. My site does not support mod_rewrite so the permalinks have a “index.php/” after the site URL and then the page/post..Any page or page that is created in the site will have the index.php/ before the page/post name. When the calendar creates the links to view all events or move from month to month, the index.php doesn’t get added. So it seems like your links are not properly generating the permalink prefix to the URL.


    Thanks for confirming. In that case, let me get our dev Jonah to take a look – this is a bit outside my area of expertise.


    Just a heads up that since Jonah was perplexed by this too, I’ve got it on another dev’s plate. Should be receiving a response very shortly – my apologies for the delay.


    Here’s a solution that one user emailed to us, and said worked for her. Would be interested in hearing whether this was a viable solution for you too. In the-events-calendar.class.php under the section “// events slug happiness”, found on line 880 she commented out the following….

    $slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($slug);
    $slug = str_replace(‘/’,’ ‘,$slug);

    This seemed to work for her. Lee, would you be willing to give this a shot and let me know if it’s a success?



    That worked. Thank you for getting it resolved for me (and thanks to the user who suggested it)


    Excellent to hear, Lee. Thanks for confirming!

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