Pending payment subtract ticket

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    I’m using Woocommerce and I’ve noticed that when there is a pending payment it does not subject 1 ticket away from the existing tickets. This can be troublesome because I’m using a 3rd party service to place orders ( that creates a pending payment plan order. If the ticket amount does not decrease then there could be a situation where people purchase more payment plans for tickets that actually exist. So the short version of my question is…how do I have event’s ticket plus automatically deduct a ticket if it’s “pending payment” ?



    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Unfortunately, stock does not automatically get reduced if a ticket is marked as Pending Payment.  You can try to manually reduce the stock either on the WooCommerce Product Page, using the total_sales custom field or on the Order itself if you enable stock management.

    You can also add this idea to our Feature Requests, as we tend to implement ideas based on customer feedback, so your input is greatly appreciated:

    Let me know if this helps!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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