Override venue link with custom URL?

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    I realise this may be above the support remit and I’m willing to pay for a solution that will satisfy me.

    I want to add a new URL field in the venue entry page. If an URL is entered on that field the venue link on the events page will link to that URL instead of the EC’s standard venue page. If the field is empty EC will show the standard venue page.

    How can I achieve this?


    Why is this topic closed to replies?


    Howdy Riza,

    I really like that idea. I have a snippet that does the same thing with Events, and I just extended it to do the same with Venues.


    If you uncommented line 46 of that snippet, and possible comment out line 17, it should do exactly what you need. It has not been super thoroughly tested. So if you come across an issue please let me know, and it is possible I can fix it.

    I am not sure why the topic was temporarily closed for replies. It was not at the time I viewed it. It’s possible our forums were read only for a small spell this weekend, that occasionally happens when we need to do maintenance. Or perhaps the spam detector temporarily misidentified your post. Eitherway, it should be all good now.

    Do you have any questions for me? Did that work? Please let me know. Cheers!

    – Brook


    To clarify, you should copy/paste that snippet in your theme’s functions.php file. Make sure to remove the opening


    Your code worked, thank you. However, I have another request:

    How can I remove the website to show? It is an unnecessary dublicate as the venue link is already linked to the same place?

    I’m still seeing topic marked as closed notice. Here is a screengrab for you: http://snag.gy/M8Hp3.jpg


    Howdy again Riza,

    I apologize for not responding yesterday. I did see your topic, which sparked a discussion on our end about the strange message you are seeing. I really appreciate your pointing that out and it is something we are looking into. However, I am sad that I got distracted by it and forgot to respond.

    You can hide/show stuff like using theme overrides. Here is our guide on how to make those. Specifically you will want to modify the /views/modules/meta/venue.php is where you will find the venue template. Overriding it and removing the website section should be all you’d need.

    Did that make sense? Did that work for you? Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Thank you. All clear now.


    Excellent. Happy to hear that I will archive this topic then. Cheers!

    – Brook

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