Organizers select and search

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  • #905502

    I need to enter a select containing all organizers in my page, how can i do it?
    another question
    could i implement the search for organizers over date, location and keyword?

    Thank you



    I can try to help out with this, but it is not a feature of the Events Calendar so it is beyond the support we can provide on this.

    I can tell you the Organizers are a Custom Post Type called:


    So you could create a custom loop using wp_query and call just the organizer posts using that post type then format it into a select box.

    could i implement the search for organizers over date, location and keyword?

    I am sure that is possible, but it would involve you customizing it.

    If you have any follow up questions please let me know. For the most part customizations are beyond the support we can provide on the forum, but if you get stuck I can try to help out on either customization with the next step, but unable to troubleshoot the entire process.



    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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