Organizer pages 404

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    I was alerted by a client this morning the Organizer pages I have were not functioning. I have been using a custom function to rename it to “Teachers”. I deleted that function and used the new Relabeler plugin as suggested. Both are causing the same problem, which is a 404 error for all /teacher/* pages. The page /teachers/ works fine.

    For your reference, here is how I have renamed them:

    Organizers -> Teachers
    Organizer -> Teacher
    organizers -> teachers
    organizer -> teacher

    This only seems to be happening for the Organizers functionality. I am able to view the locations just fine.

    I have disabled all non-TEC plugins and have reverted to 2017 theme. I’m seeing the behavior on all servers – production and localhost.

    I have tried flushing all permalinks, but that hasn’t helped either.



    Hi Craig!

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with the organizer pages. I will try to help you figure out the issue.

    The first thing I would check: do you have a post or page with the slug “teacher?” Even if it exists in the “trash” this could cause problems with the urls resolving correctly.

    If that is not the case, then the next thing I would check: do the organizer pages work correctly if you don’t relabel them and use the default URL structure?



    I have done some more investigating, and it seems there are some database problems with the plugin. Just to answer your question, I did not have a teacher page, even in the trash, but some strange behavior is happening to that page by itself now, in which it redirects to what seems like the nearest term related to the URI. More on the issues below.

    First, it doesn’t work with my theme, whereas the filter I used to use worked fine. Here is that one:

    add_filter('tribe_organizer_label_singular', 'tec_change_organizer_label' );
    function tec_change_organizer_label() {
    	return 'Teacher';

    Second, it seems that once the slug is set initially, it can’t be changed. I initially set the singular organizer as ‘teacher’. Since that page was having issues, I tried to set it to ‘teach’. However, when I get back to the page where I have [list_organizers], the link is still to ‘/teacher/*’. In other words, saving the new setting must not update the database.

    Third is the last strange case. When I deactivate the plugin within my theme, the ‘/organizer/*’ pages still do not work. I checked to make sure that is the case whether or not I use the filter I mention above.

    Without digging in anymore, it seems clear there is an issue with updating the database on save and that they are not clearing appropriately even after deactivation.

    I’ll leave it up to you to figure out why that is happening. But I would like this issue to be elevated somewhat as I now can’t show the teachers at all, and that is an important SEO tool for us that was working previously.



    Ok, one more thing I’ve discovered. Please make sure to read my last response, as this is a follow-on.

    To prevent the problem of WordPress guessing a URL on /teacher/, I inserted the following to my functions file:

    remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical');

    After that, I flushed the permalinks and I was able to get the ‘/organizer/*’ pages to work again with the Relabeler plugin disabled.

    I tried to enable the plugin again, and it all fell apart again with the ‘/teacher/*’ pages not working. I disabled the plugin once again, and the ‘/organizer/*’ pages didn’t function until I cleared the permalinks again.

    So there’s definitely an issue with the creation and persistance of the pages created when using the plugin, even after it is disabled.



    Hi Craig,

    Anytime you make a change to the URL structure, you will need to visit the permalinks page to “reset” everything. I just tried this out on my local install, and I was able to change all the “organizer” stuff to “teacher.” As expected, it didn’t fully work until I visited the permalinks page. After getting it working, I disabled the plugin, and the “organizer” url didn’t resolve until I again visited the permalinks page.

    It sounds to me this is exactly what you are describing, but please correct me if I’m mistaken. Also, please remove any custom code you may have added while we are troubleshooting.

    Are you saying the relabeler plugin is not working at all with your theme? You have your theme listed as Twenty Seventeen, but this is the theme I am testing with on my end. If this is not correct, can you tell me what theme you are using?



    After a little more digging, I’m finding I can use other URLs for the singular organizer – just not /teacher/, which is what it has been since the beginning and worked fine until recent upgrades. Unfortunately, I’m not sure which update to TEC caused the problem.

    Is there something that would be stuck in the database or cache that would cause it to fail now?




    Are you saying that you can change the label to other words and it works, but using “teacher” and it doesn’t work?

    Are you visiting the permalinks page after making the change? Have you tried viewing the page in an incognito window? Have you removed the custom code that you were using in the past?

    Do you have a staging or live site online where I can see this for myself?


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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