Organizer name not displaying in Single Event page

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    Hey guys, just noticed that on my single event page the organizer name is replaced with the month of the updated date. Also I was hoping to add more organizer info. If you could direct me how to add one organizer field than I can go from there. I can send you the single.php file if it would make it easier…I’ve made no edits and I’m using the stock file from most up to date The Events Calendar addon. I gave it a look but I can’t see anything wrong.

    Thanks guys!


    Hey Carlos. Thanks for the note; I can see the issue on the page you’ve linked to there. Does this same thing happen if you use a different template under the dropdown on Settings -> The Events Calendar? And, can you confirm that the organizer name field is actually filled in on the backend?

    In terms of adding more organizer info, you should be able to do this via the Custom Fields that appear under Settings -> The Events Calendar; as all that custom meta appears together in the box up top, couldn’t that accomplish what you’re going for? Let me know if not.


    Hi Rob, I can confirm that the organizers info is completed (using a saved organizer with the organizers name and website completed) and that the organizers name is still missing when I use the defaul ECP template see . I’ve added the organizers email which is now showing in lieu of the organizers name. Organizer website is also missing.

    I assume the post created for the organizer should also show the organizers info but it doesn’t



    Hey Carlos. Thanks for the note. I’m going to need to get our dev Jonah to take a look here, as I cannot see why that data would not be displaying when you added it.

    As for the post created for the organizer: there actually is no frontend organizer view like there is a frontend venue view. While the organizer technically creates a page that can be accessed on the frontend, it isn’t linked to/promoted from within the plugin and doesn’t actually display data. Frontend organizer pages will be coming somewhere during the 2.1 lifecycle though.


    Hey rob an update on the organizer info. see the link below
    (single sidebar formatting courtesy of Jonah… Awesome job!)

    The name of the organizer “Globe Foundation” is for some reason sitting on the right of the page and the email address for the organizer is in the organizer name position…..very strange things at work

    Regarding the organizer page…kinda figured it wasn’t a real page, but an actual organizer page that shows the the events related to that organizer would be great!



    Hey Carlos, is this happening for all events with this organizer? What about events with other organizers? From first glance it looks like a problem with some unclosed tags or tags getting messed up and it may be due to some out of the ordinary data input for this organizer or some of the other event info. If you’re using the stock single.php I trust that this is not the issue. Can you email me admin access so I can take a look? jonah [at] tri [dot] be


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