Ok – $100 if someone can exactly explain to me …

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  • #1014249

    how I can get this Slider
    onto these pages:

    Goal: I have to understand how it works.

    Procedure: Step by Step explanation what is to do:
    Take this file:<exact file name>, use this function: <exact function>, insert it here:<exact filename, exact line>, copy the file: <exact file name>, …

    Not a procedure: “Look somewhere in these 1799 sheets of calendar documentation and in these 579 files of avada documentation, … there is someting like a slug, and event calendar uses someting like, and oh jeah there is a piece of code somewhere that you have to insert somewhere else …”

    Thank you!


    Hi Nikolaus,

    The slider looks like it’s part of your theme or another plugin so, first off, you will want to find the method that is used to call it into a template.

    Once you have that, I am happy to help guide you to add it to your calendar templates.

    The Procedure

    • Make a copy of the default-template.php file. It is located at /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/default-template.php
    • Make a new folder in your theme directory called tribe-events
    • Place your copied default-template.php file in that folder

    Now that the template is in your theme, you can modify it so suit your needs. In this case, place the method for calling the slider in the template where you would like it to appear.

    You can find more information on calendar template overrides here in our Themer’s Guide.



    thank you.

    I think the Slider is injected between header and content. Because the templates start with the content, it makes no sense to edit the templates. I think I had to include an individual header ending with the slider. Or something like that.

    BUT I now just included a background picture to the main area. The customer likes it, so I like it too and we all like it.

    Therefore, when i asked for at least a picture to keep my design, “include it with css” would have been the $100 answer 😉

    Thank you all for explaining, why you cant help. 🙂



    Cool, I’m glad your client is happy! Thanks for following up and marking the thread Resolved. 🙂


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