Number of available tickets is not updated

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Number of available tickets is not updated

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    The number of available tickets is not updated on the events page nor in the event overview page. We had this issue last time we sold tickets and I had to update the number of available tickets by hand every day. But this really has to be fixed now as we are starting to sell tickets for a new event.

    As you can see in the enclosed screenshot, one ticket has been sold, but the available number of tickets is still 100 for the specific ticket type (the bottom one). The second screenshot is from the front end, and as you can see, at the front end the available number of tickets is also 100.

    The Events plugins are up to date. We’ve had this issue since before the last couple of updates. I have also reverted to a standard WordPress theme. Nothing has helped. BUT I have found out that it’s related to the payment plugin as during testing all other non-essential (woocommerce) plugins except the Mollie plugin have been off.

    I have also informed about this issue. Mollie is a large Dutch payment service provider and I suggest that you, as The Events Calendar, work together with Mollie to solve this issue. I have suggested Mollie the same.

    This site is on a multisite install, the link to the event is:

    I hope you will take up the challenge with! 🙂



    Hi Carsten,

    Thanks so much for reaching out again!

    I’m sorry to hear that you are having this issue with your ticket stock, but I’m glad to hear that at least you have figured out a workaround.

    If you have determined that the issue is related to your payment gateway, you may also want to reach out to WooCommerce, as it sounds like you have already reached out to Mollie.  WooCommerce handles the sales aspect of Event Tickets Plus, and since they have a payment plugin for Mollie, you may want to see if they have any input on this issue.  You can reach out to them here.

    Let me know how it goes and if you have any other questions on this issue!





    HI Jamie,

    I’m sorry for my late reply.

    I decided to try a different events plugin and we are now using FooEvents. That plugin is far from ideal either, but at least it’s working with WooCommerce and the gateway plugin.

    It’s really amazing that I haven’t been able to find a really great events plugin in stead of the many events plugins which are simply juist okay. And yes, that’s including your plugin which is also just okay but not great. I simply just don’t get how difficult it can be to create an events plugin that works fantastically, loads fast and that automatically follows the layout/design/css of the theme which is being used. Just like WordPress does, a great events plugin should do it’s job in a great way and then just get out of the way.

    Anyway, I guess life itself is not perfect either. 😉


    Hi Carsten,

    Thanks for your feedback.  I’m glad that you were able to find a solution that works for you.

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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