[No more] Tickets for Events which have allready started

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO [No more] Tickets for Events which have allready started

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  • #961424
    Benjamin Karsch

    i am using the events calender pro with woo commerce and tickets.
    i have a question regarding events with a duration of more than one day.

    e.g: the event “Course E” has a duration from mai 02 till mai 10.
    when i´m using the calender view today (mai 08), Course E is (of course) shown there. a click on the course shows me the details (of course) – but also the option to still buy tickets for that event. i don´t want that. users should only be able to buy into an event, is the starts date lies in the future.

    so what i´m basically searching is an option like “tickets for events can only be sold, if the event hasn´t started yet.”

    is there such thing as a checkbox and i just can´t find it? or is there no option like that :-/

    looking forward to hear from ya.


    Hi Benjamin!

    Good question. You can actually set when you want your tickets to start and end sale when creating or editing the tickets in the event editor (screenshot). If you set the end date for the time of the event, then those tickets will automatically be removed from the event listing.

    Does this help answer your question? Please let me know. 🙂


    Benjamin Karsch

    Hey Geoff,

    unfortunately i don´t think, that this will work for me.
    i´m setting up a booking system for windsurf und sail courses. and i have lots of repeating courses, like e.g. 57 trial courses across the season.
    with my other courses i have over 200 repeating events.
    is there some kind of way to set the start and end time for buying tickets in a way, they automatically fit to the repeating event? otherwise i would have to type over 200 start and end times for the individual selling times 🙁

    Benjamin Karsch

    i just tried to edit some selling dates and realised, that repeating events would be removed from the series, when i start to edit them one by one. this would totally blow away any backend overview.

    i hope, there is another option!!


    Hey there, Benjamin!

    Yes, that’s correct–tickets are not supported by recurring events in the sense that all events in the series are only only able to share the same stock of tickets. So, breaking an event out of the series would break the event from the ticket stock as well, requiring a new ticket to be set up for that event.

    Does this help clarify things a bit? I’m sorry, but I think the only option you have here is to break the events out of their recurring series and add tickets to them in the editor.



    Hi Benjamin! Just checking in to see if there’s been any update here or if you had any other questions about recurring events and tickets–please let me know. 🙂


    Hey Benjamin! This thread has been quiet for a couple of weeks, so I’m going to go ahead and close it. Please feel free to reach back out with a new thread if any other questions pop up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂


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