Newbie confusion finding files

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  • #665766
    Jeanne Wilmot

    I have just realized I have two folders in my plugins “the-events-calendar” and “events-calendar-pro” is that normal or should the pro have replaced the other? I only noticed it because I saw css file called from the events calendar not the pro. Does this mean I am not even running Pro?
    I am pretty confused in general about finding things. I never seem to find the right CSS files for a given element. I am trying to simply change the background to white, I have seen this question asked on your forum many times but none of their solutions apply to me or the names of the files or styles are completely different in my site (different versions?) I am starting to feel quite stupid. Am I missing something basic about finding the right files? I use the inspect element option on my browser but things like background images are hard to find still.


    Hello Jeanne,

    Let me try to clear up some confusion for you and no worries about having these issues I once launched a plugin and broke the whole thing because there was a _ instead of a – so it happens to all of us.

    You are correct you do have two folders and that is required. The Events Calendar Plugin stores all the main files and the Pro adds features to the main plugin.

    The Events Calendar and the Pro should both be loading CSS so as long as the Pro is an active Plugin and the license is set in the Settings it is working. One quick way to confirm is if you have recurring events as that is a pro only feature.

    Could you provide a link to the page you are trying to turn the background white and I can take a quick look. Is it the Event background you would like white and the site background is already white, correct?



    This thread’s not seen much activity recently so I’ll go ahead and close it. Of course if you still need help with this or any other issue please don’t hesitate to create a new thread (or threads) and one of the team will be only too happy to help. Thanks!

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