Need to Bi-lingualize text

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    Hello. We have kind of a special need to have both Chinese and English visible on all standard front end text. We realize this is not an easy task and that you dont support it as it is not a built in feature. We simply wish to know where the files would be that need editing, we have searched and search both regular and pro plugin folders and cannot find what would seem to be the right field. We have seen how to change the title “upcoming events” and some small components in forum searches but nothing like address, phone, details, etc. And just for an idea of what we are trying to do it looks something like this “近期活动 | UPCOMING EVENTS” or “详情 | Details”. Thanks in advance for any help, it is much appreciated!


    Ok we have gotten everything except “Event Categories:” on the single event page. If anyone knows where to change this please let us know, we ar pulling our hair out searching each and every file!



    That’s an interesting problem. Would it be possible for you to create a custom translation, where each translated string contains the text in both languages, by compiling .po and .mo files (like regular single language translations)? That way you ought to catch pretty much everything including the string you are currently missing.

    Though it’s beyond what we can do here to coach you through using POEdit (or a comparable tool), there are various resources on the web that run through how to do this.

    Does that help?


    Hi Barry. Thank you for your response. That does not really help only due to the fact that we have located nearly every string in the plugin files that needed to be translated and physically updated each file. I understand this means we cant upgrade but honestly so much customization has been done that we wont be doing that anyway.

    We only need to know where to change the string “Event Categories:” on the single item page. Thats it, thats the last piece of the puzzle and then we would be finished. So any help finding what file/directory that string is in would be awesome. We have spent hours searching every file in both events pro and regular events and this is the ONLY string we have not been able to locate :(. Thanks for your help!


    OK – well I believe what you are looking for is in the tribe_get_event_categories() function which lives in:


    The line in question is 278, which looks like:

    $label = is_null( $args['label'] ) ? _n( 'Event Category', 'Event Categories', substr_count( $categories, "<a href" ), 'tribe-events-calendar' ) : $args['label'];

    Does that help?


    THANK YOU BARRY! We were unfortunately looking for the colon to be appended in the word and it was actually just ‘Event Categories’. Thank you SO much for your help!


    Glad it all worked out 🙂

    (Closing this out!)

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