Need help with event single view

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    I am using the Pro version, just the “Photo” calendar. But somehow in my template none of the tips for the custom layout worked!
    In the “next events” view, everything is fine, but the single event gets wrapped in a grid format, and when I create a page for it, it gets empty… Really need help! Please? =)

    Casey D

    Hello jgirardi,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I believe this is a theme conflict. With the page template you are using, everything is being put into the first left column.

    Circo dos Sonhos com Marcos Frota Para Criança   ParaCriança

    Unfortunately that level of customization goes beyond the scope of the forums. But here is a css pointer to get you started:

    A plugin like will help you add css to your site.

    .tribe_events.hentry { width: auto; height: auto; }

    That code should create this fix:

    Circo dos Sonhos com Marcos Frota Para Criança   ParaCriança (1)

    Does this make sense? Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.


    – Casey Driscoll


    I did it, but did not work. =(
    I choose it to use the normal page template, but as I understand, my page template is the same for archives and call “single” or “Grid”, according to it being a single page or an archive page.
    To avoid it, I tried to create a page-events, choose it in the settings, but then, it got empty. If anyone could help me, give me a quote, I can pay for any help. Thanks! =)


    Ops, worked! Was my cache!! Many thanks!! Yey!

    Casey D

    Hello jgirardi,

    Happy it worked out!

    We’d love it if you would leave us a review and let people know how much you like the plugin!

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread. Let us know if we can help with anything else.

    – Casey Driscoll

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