Mysql warning

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  • #32539

    I’m getting the following warning hundreds of times a day, any ideas?

    130212 18:04:02 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT… ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe Statement: INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES (‘rewrite_rules’, ‘a:476:{s:36:\”^eventos/comunidad/edit/venue/(.*?)$\”;s:65:\”index.php?tribe_event_id=$matches[1]&WP_Route=ce-edit-venue-route\”;s:40:\”^eventos/comunidad/edit/organizer/(.*?)$\”;s:69:\”index.php?tribe_event_id=$matches[1]&WP_Route=ce-edit-organizer-route\”;s:36:\”^eventos/comunidad/edit/event/(.*?)$\”;s:59:\”index.php?tribe_event_id=$matches[1]&WP_Route=ce-edit-route\”;s:30:\”^eventos/comunidad/edit/(.*?)$\”;s:62:\”index.php?tribe_id=$matches[1]&WP_Route=ce-edit-redirect-route\”;s:23:\”^eventos/comunidad/add$\”;s:31:\”index.php?WP_Route=ce-add-route\”;s:32:\”^eventos/comunidad/delete/(.*?)$\”;s:62:\”index.php?$tribe_event_id=$matches[1]&WP_Route=ce-delete-route\”;s:24:\”^eventos/comunidad/list$\”;s:60:\”index.php?sample_ar


    Hi Esteban.

    Though this article stems from an issue experienced using Django rather than WordPress it sounds like it might be the same basic issue.

    Can you take a look at your database, perhaps using a graphical tool like phpMyAdmin, and check out which storage engines are in use?

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